FTR, all my comments were directed at the Boxter, and NOT the Cayman. I have never been in a Cayman. I know nothing about it. I have been in a Boxter and a customized C4, so that is my practical comparison "experience", in addition to knowing the general stats.
Let's see.......yup, right on schedule. We've got this thread where all the internet experts post about how they wouldn't drive a fairly capable European car.
For those interested, Monday we'll start yet another thread where all the internet experts discuss how they wouldn't "do" a somewhat attractive woman in a posted picture.
The circle of life continues...
Um... the two examples may seem similar, but in reality: apples to oranges. If I was "given" a Boxter or Cayman, if I really disliked it, I would sell it and purchase a car more to my liking. Can't exactly trade in a chick for another (debating aside).
I would rather drive a nice lexus than a shitty Porsche.
I just want to know what the hell happened to Porsche? Boxter, Cayenne, Cayman? What happened to the 996, 911, Targa, Twin Turbo et al??
I don't want to drive the Porsche named after a pepper! I want to drive the Porsche named after a PORN star!!
Let me put on the record my DREAM car: Jet BLACK 1996 Porsche 911 Twin Turbo. If you haven't seen Bad Boys, then rent it and get a fresh pair of boxers. You'll know what I'm talking about. The "Shiny dick with wheels".