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Good to know we are still wanted

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Are you threatening me?
Super Moderator
Man, I've never read anything quite so ignorant. Let me get this straight, part of the reason he doesn't want ROTC on campus is because it would allow underpriveleged minorities to have an opportunity to go to the school. Now is this the enlightened Ivy League mentality we've been hearing about?


Kool-Aid free since 2001.
i'd like to kick this kid in his teeth. That would be fun...like really fun.

i bet he drives a benz and never worked for anything in his life. 500 years ago he'd have been naturally selected out. Sometimes I think the Klingons have the right idea.


Bottom of the barrel
I seriously considered sending a letter to the editor concerning this article, but I guess I'd better just leave it be.

What a jack*** that guy is.


Well-Known Member
Preface: I'm an ivy league graduate, not that I'm terribly proud of it, just want to establish my point of view.

Don't bother sending a letter to the editor. It will just encourage them. Angry liberals want nothing more than for someone to disagree with them so that they can protest. Bide your time and wait until you have something positive to celebrate. Focus on the positive and don't give them the fight they're looking for.


I thought that was the recline!
You know, it's ignorant hate like that that made me wish for a war in the 1st place. Then 9-11 happened, and I thought "Finally, everybody's gonna wake up." Well, I think they did for about as long as it took to clean up the mess at ground zero, then it's back to fat-dum-n-happy military haters. Remind me why I went to Iraq? Oh yeah, so that little punks like him could get a hassle free parent-funded education. Guess I'm the sucker...


Well-Known Member
"ROTC fosters understanding and respect for the military and its members [unless they are gay, in which case we like to rape them with broomsticks]..."

We? I guess Mr. Rosenthal has a thing for raping gay military members with broomsticks?

(Hmmm...I suddenly think ROTC is not the biggest threat to Columbia...)

"If Lee Bollinger does not take care of this issue properly, I assure you that those who are opposed to the return of ROTC will handle the issue for him."

How will they do that? Rape him with a broomstick?


Ask me about ninjas!
You know, it's been said over and over again, but even though we might not like it, it's still his right to say/write it. When we start to infringe on basic rights, it's definitely a slippery slope towards loosing them altogether. That being said, personally I think that the First Ammendment should have a note/warning/caution attached to it that reads something like, "WARNING: STUPID COMMENTS WILL BE PUNISHABLE BY SEVERE BEATING AND/OR PAIN." Which is exactly what this ignorant little **** deserves. Hell, I'll even dip into the savings to purchase a ticket for that.


Recovering NFO. Herder of Programmers.
Super Moderator
Joining the military is flushing your education down the toilet. Why would people come here if they were just going to enter the military upon graduation in the first place? It’s like, “Well, I just spent four years learning about mankind’s accomplishments, but all I really want to do is kill people.”
Yes, folks, he's 18-odd years old and of course he knows just how the world works. Funny, since I've joined up I've actually continued my education with grad school, but hey, I guess NPS is just a tool of the evil KKKapitalist oppressors! And we all know everybody just joins the military to kill people, right? No other reason in this guy's mind. I guess knocking down 35-year-old dictatorships and stopping institutionalized torture is only valid if you do it by shooting rainbows out of your butt.

I’m not really sure how the Core curriculum is going to come in handy when you’ve been ordered to stack a group of naked Iraqi prisoners in a human pyramid.
Because we all know that's what the military LOVES to do to poor helpless foreigners and nobody EVER got court-martialed and jailed for it, now did they? Oh, wait. CNN never covered that part very well, so as far as this little boy is concerned it didn't happen.

The fact is, I cannot comprehend why anyone would want to be in the military at this juncture in American history.
That explains a lot right there.

Meanwhile, our campus is one of the few remaining places where as students, we can be free from the ever-increasing “let’s roll” mentality that is becoming so dominant in this nation.
Does this mean if you leave campus GW's space-based mind-control lasers are going to suddenly turn you into a flag-waving redneck? Does that explain that tinfoil hat you're wearing?

this is not how the diversity should be created, with white students being doctors and lawyers, and blacks and Latinos being soldiers.
So as I'm white, I apparently would never be a servicemember in this guy's mind, because white people are all rich anyway. Do I smell a whiff of racism here?

Should ROTC be allowed to return, I can guarantee that tensions on this campus will only increase, as the desires and whims of a select few will agitate the vast majority of students here at Columbia.
Wow. This is really incredible. Not only does he have his own opinion, he knows what "the vast majority" of students think. He's telepathic, I tell you! Not only that, he's being oppressed by "a select few!" He's a VICTIM, I tell you! A VICTIM! OH, THE HORROR!

If Lee Bollinger does not take care of this issue properly, I assure you that those who are opposed to the return of ROTC will handle the issue for him
Is this supposed to be a threat? You mean there's a bunch of people willing to use violence to promote pacifism? Or are you just blustering?


Supply Officer
By accepting ROTC on campus, Columbia would be encouraging some of its students not to be great thinkers but to be warriors whose purpose is to kill.

My purpose is to kill? I had always just thought of that as a nice benefit :icon_wink

I am pretty sure I got my degree from my university - not from ROTC. Isn't it the school's responsibility to make me a great thinker regardless of what ROTC does?


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
nittany03 said:
You mean there's a bunch of people willing to use violence to promote pacifism?
What a great quote. Check out the protestwarrior.com site for some great videos of that kind of stuff. If you haven't seen it, this is a conservative group that goes out to "protest the protesters." They are always getting attacked by the "Peace-loving" left wingers. The best parts are when the hippies try to silence the protest warriors right to voice their opinions. Isn't hypocrisy fun?

Good times,



Bottom of the barrel
Brett327 said:
Check out the protestwarrior.com site for some great videos of that kind of stuff ...

Good stuff ... watched a couple of the videos ("Hail to the Chief" was good and relatively short).

Pretty funny all up.

The peace movement was pretty much how I always imagined it - hippies, druggies, homeless and wierdos.

Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator
VarmintShooter said:
The peace movement was pretty much how I always imagined it - hippies, druggies, homeless and wierdos.

And heavily influenced by socialists, communists, and anarchists.

Nothing new, the a lot of Vietnam protests were "helped" by Soviet and Vietnamese sympathizers/agents.


Registered User
People like that guy make me so much happier I joined ROTC. To know that when I die, I can say I actually tried to make a difference in the world. ROTC gives the opportunity for those who are smart enough, strong enough, and couregous enough to go and defend our great nation. He wanted to know why anybody would waste an education to join the military? Because no education can ever compare to the honor one has in knowing that he can make a difference in this world. That he can defend his country. I thank god that I'm not that guy, sitting in his dorm room and *****ing to a newspaper, taking for granted that very right. FREEDOM. People need to realize that *****ing about the military didn't get this country where it is today. People that were willing to sacrifice their life in the name of freedom did. I can only HOPE that I can experience that type of honor, that thousands of soldiers, sailors, and aviators before me have experienced. Anybody that wishes to disrespect our nation's military like he did, and like a lot of other people these days are doing, can burn in hell. :icon_rage -Sorry for the long rant, I'm just sick of all the hippies these days :icon_tong


Kool-Aid free since 2001.
Great site, cracked me up.

But you know something - communism IS the best form of government for a society! It makes perfect sense. If everybody works equally hard towards a common goal, you will achieve that goal faster and better than you would as a nation of capitalists, competing with one another.

If you were to build an ideal society, it would be communist, with a democratically elected government. This, of course, would require that all the people be equally idealistic and devoid of personal motivation. Think of it as a beehive with a democratically elected queen bee.

Now, as we've seen, people are not devoid of personal motivation; we are as individuals are quite greedy. I'll happily admit that I'd hate to live in a communist society. I’m no Einstein, but I think I’m smarter and more capable than the average McDonalds worker, and I because of this I should have a better job and get paid more (provided I work for it).

While I agree with the sentiments of these protesters (the dumb ones) - we should all just get along, work for the common good, etc - I find their idealistic goals unrealistic and juvenile. Greed is human nature and because of it, we must always have a society that competes if we are to advance as a civilization, socialism/communism cannot work.

I really like the part about, “If a dictator provides clean water for their people... if they provide free health care, I like that dictator. If he provides university and education for everyone, I like that dictator”. I’m glad she feels the need to live in the US where none of that is provided. I bet she could immigrate to Cuba and get all she wants – I hear they have good literacy too.
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