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Got Medically Disqualified week 9!


New Member
Not all NPQs are due to 'breaks'. I've known people who got NPQd for cellulitis, psoriasis, and stomach disorders (he was throwing up blood after every meal).


Marine OCS

Just a quick Q. Anyone have or know someone that has had an injury and how they faired at OCS. I'm a year and a half post-ACL replacement and on track for OCC-191 in Jan. Everything is in good order now, but obviously I'm a little concerned with the 'horror storys' of injuries at OCS esp. during a winter class.


Registered User
Two candidates that were commissioned with us (OCC 187) were sitting down when they shook the CO's hand and received the paper. One had a broken foot, the other's leg was all jacked up.


Registered User
One small bit of advice for ya'll going to 190. Try to do really well on the first several tests and physical events. That way if you do get injured or something towards the end, they can see that you busted balls until you got broke and that goes a long way up there.

I knew a guy who didn't run the ecourse or the crt course and couldn't complete SULE 2 because of an ankle injury. But because he had been a team player (he was ranked #11 in his platoon) when he went before the Col Rachell (sp?) he was allowed to graduate.

Something to toss into ya'll cap of crap to remember.

Good luck.

Can. Showalter
Alpha Co. 2'nd Platoon
Class 189