Wow. What else is there? I'm considering my app...Interviews, Recs, activities/employment.
That's very surprising from the USAF. I thought they were supposed to have a brains > brawn mindset. Seems hard to achieve if you don't look at GPA![]()
I think they take into consideration what your major is with your GPA. For instance, I got a 3.8 in Biological Psychology which is super easy like most social science majors. I am sure they are aware that hard science majors do not have inflated grades. Meh just my 2 cents.
I actually spoke with an AF OR about the same time I started talking with my Navy OR. She asked me the standard questions, do you have a degree, what is it in, and then...what was your GPA. When I told her it was a 2.3 in Biological Sciences (concentration in Micro) she said I wasn't qualified. So I brought up the whole thing about AF not considering GPA anymore. She said she hadn't heard of that, and insisted that I wasn't qualified. To which I quickly replied "Okay, thanks" and hung up.
Wow, thats really inspirational guys. Rabidmosse and OUSOONER, are you guys both in the Navy or Marines. Only reason I ask is guys with GPAs like that seem to always going to the Marines, not that I'm trying to insult the Corps or anything.
Hey, its porbably a little early to be thinking about this since I haven't finished with MEPs yet, but I have an issue with my GPA. I right now have a 3.1 with a B.S. in aeronautics at Embry Riddle. Right now it my last semester so I am hoping to bump it up a little bit. I'm wondering how this will effect me when applying for SNA/SNFO. My recruiter says that right now the Navy is getting a lot of applications now and that there mostly taking kids around 3.7, 3.8, and so fourth don't no how true this is. Either way I know there is nothing much I can do about it, but I'm trying to get an idea about what my chances are out of the gate. I figure if they say no I will just keep applying, I'm not giving up.
Yeah only reason I bring it up because in the beginning when you first start this process you are bombarded constantly with the stereotype that you have to exceptional grades to get accepted to be a pilot/NFO. I was hoping by starting this thread I could talk to people who didn't have the greatest GPAs but still got in and are doing what they want to do. Its just to help me others gain some reassurance. Besides like I have said before right now GPA shouldn't be my main concern, its my whole waiver process with MEPS thats my top priority. There a lot of people out there who are very damn successful at what they do and have had pretty bad GPAs all through school, but the only thing that mattered was they were good at what they did .