Yes, some waivers are better than others, and specific aviation waivers will obviously look worse than a tattoo waiver for instance. There are however too many waivers to even attempt to go through the list so best bet would be to ask your OSO...
Wait, what? No. A waiver is a yes/no deal. There is no matter of more or less qualified for an aviation slot depending on if you have a waiver or not. I had to go through getting a PRK waiver at TBS while the initial study group/waiver process was in its relative infancy. It did not adversely affect my application process nor did it influence my MOS selection. It's an all or nothing thing -- you are either qualified for air or you are not.
Granted, some waivers require a lot more legwork to get, but that's up to you really. If your OSO isn't willing to help you get waivers that you are qualified for (assuming you don't need a waiver for everything in the book), fire him and find someone else.