Fully Qualified 1815
Hopefully, this sheds light on how the selection board process actually works, and provides everyone with a clearer picture of how to 'hurry-up-and-wait', and what you can do to endure, or speed up the process, as may be appropriate to your situation.
COMNAVCRUITCOMINST 1131.2F (Amended as of 17 SEP 15) NRM-Officer/1131 2F_CHAPTER 4_ch1.pdf
Specifically regarding selection boards, a quick CTL-F for '040110' will skip to the section on how a candidate's selection is prioritized based on their application preferences.
Thanks to @KAT_AWO for lighting the fire on this one!
COMNAVCRUITCOMINST 1131.2F (Amended as of 17 SEP 15) NRM-Officer/1131 2F_CHAPTER 4_ch1.pdf
Specifically regarding selection boards, a quick CTL-F for '040110' will skip to the section on how a candidate's selection is prioritized based on their application preferences.
Thanks to @KAT_AWO for lighting the fire on this one!