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Gun-control groups fear top activist was NRA spy


Of course its not illegal to advocate. You guys have a wad of panties up yourn arses. Loosen up...gravity should help. Damn...:D


he will die without safety brief
I think what the Pro-NRA side is saying is that they believe that although the anti-gun rights groups are using mostly legal means to achieve their goals, that those on the pro-bill of rights side believe that their goal is so horrendous, despicable, and damaging to the country that they cannot afford to lose, and will operate in a gray area to protect the constitution from what they see as a clear and present danger to freedom and human rights.
The ends justify the means. Got it. :icon_roll


Registered User
And I mentioned this when? Plus, he was let in.........

Geesh....Man this thread has really touched a nerve with you.... My comment was in no way, shape, or form directed at you, Flasher!


Super Moderator
Geesh....Man this thread has really touched a nerve with you.... My comment was in no way, shape, or form directed at you, Flasher!

Just firing for effect. ;)

At leaset you acknowledge the other side does it.

I can't speak for the NRA. Perhaps you can show me where they have lied.

The Aussie government thinks they did:


That was only after a short search. I am sure I can find plenty 'fun facts' on the anti-gun side too.


The ends justify the means. Got it. :icon_roll
Yes, the military kills people to insure our freedom... the NRA is accused of spying... In this case I'd say yes.

Now if the NRA started killing anti-gun rights activists then I might lose some sleep:D


But they both exist to protect the constitution and by proxy our freedom. My analogy succeeds! :D


Recovering NFO. Herder of Programmers.
Super Moderator
But they both exist to protect the constitution and by proxy our freedom. My analogy succeeds! :D
Since when has the NRA had power delegated to it from the Federal government or any other duly elected governmental body? Reread Thomas Hobbes's Leviathan, John Locke's Second Treatise on Government, John Stuart Mill's "On Liberty," and the Federalist Papers. I am as pro-gun as they get, but to ascribe Constitutional authority to the NRA or suggest granting it is to engage in right-wing wanking of the highest order. Let's let PETA onboard to protect the Constitutional rights of vegans, then.



....(I don't) follow the debate since I don't feel too passionately about the issue.....




P.S. ... I'm still waiting to hear some of those dastardly "lies" fomented by the NRA from any of you nattering nabobs of negativism ... Anyone?? .... Anyone??? ... Anyone home??? Hello???

Please spare us and don't try to impress by quoting or linking to left-wing, gun control websites ... they have already discredited themselves time and time again as being duplicitous bastards on the issue at hand.

The NRA may not be "perfect" ... but then who is??


Internet killed the television star
Maybe I just missed it, but where has it been proven that the NRA had any undercover agent working for them? Like it was said before, there are associations between the NRA and this lady, but nothing has yet to come out positively linking the NRA to any inside spying on them. Simply having her on some sort of retainer isn't indication of any type of wrongdoing.

The simple fact that the NRA chose not to respond to the question doesn't make them guilty of anything. That's a fact. Spin it however, someone doesn't have to respond if they choose not to.

If they did spy, shame on them. As was also mentioned previously, this topic gets people worked into a tizzy in a heartbeat, so doing something underhanded like this only removes any semblance of an ethical high-ground that, which in an argument like this, is a strong position to hold.


Really old guy
Just firing for effect. ;)

The Aussie government thinks they did:


That was only after a short search. I am sure I can find plenty 'fun facts' on the anti-gun side too.

I read the link....not sure where/how they can say the numbers went down...although the rate may have gone down. I will be holding my breath waiting for you to post those fun facts about the anti side:D


I was never trying to ascribe constitutional authority to the NRA all I was relating was the similarity in what thier objectives are. You may disagree but a very good argument can be made that they are both institutions that protect freedom albeit in different ways. Freedom must be jealously guarded, and it sometimes requires people to steal tea and dump it in the harbor, regardless of thier lack of government authority to do so.

There are rare cases where the ends justify the means.

So to the NRA I say keep on stealing the tea, keep on.


Enjoying the real world
nattering nabobs of negativism

Thanks for the good laugh this morning - but I always thought that the second half of that was funnier: the "hopeless, hysterical hypochondriacs of history".

Political speech-making has gone downhill these days.

(History note: Vice-President Agnew first said it, but it was written by William Safire - who went on to be an actual conservative writing for the NY Times after Watergate - hard to believe these days).