This "herbivore" flies at 50' AGL within range of everything on the evolutionary scale of weaponry from large rocks to RPGs to Stinger RMP while the "meat eaters" stay above a 15000' hard deck, immune to everything but radar-guided missiles, which were destroyed by F-117s and Tomahawks the week before. That Harrier pilot better hope he doesn't talk that kind of trash within earshot of me.
All aviators have their challenges to face, and would be better off if they talked up their own communities rather than trash another. I'm not going to say that I can do a night trap, but I'm willing to say that landing in low-light level in brown-out next isn't any easier. Besides, if I d*** it up, I don't just waste myself, but also a copilot, two crew, and 15 pax.
C-130s, for example, take a lot of crap, but Camp Rhino wouldn't have survived, and Afghanistan might not have fallen without those planes. Being a fan of NVGs myself, landing unaided on a dirt strip in the middle of nowhere like those guys did is not my cup of tea.
All Marine aviators have wings of gold, and no, they don't have little etchings of props, or rotors, or jet engines on them.
Phrogs phorever