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Have a natural nack for engeneering looking at becoming An Aviator.


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
Thanks guys for the great info and advice it really does help

Mission accomplished then! If you really like engineering and aviation, think about where you can have your cake and eat it, too!


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
Naked City

The quote was actually, "There are eight million stories in the Naked City; this has been one of them." This quote was originally from the 1948 film, the "Naked City." Then in 1958, a popular TV series based upon that movie started/ended every episode with that very same quote. But Jack Webb wasn't in them. (This also suggests I might be older than you :D )

Yep, was a bit before my coming of age as I wasn't even 5 years old then, but vaguely remembered a Black&White image and something like that. +1 for clearing it up. I like that....maybe we can adapt it for AW:

There are eight million stories on the InterNet; this has been one of them (apologies to the Naked City)



"I believe in ammunition"
Well, on the something wrong side of the coin....remember, you said you had the "nack" [sic] to go into engeneering[sic]

I wish folks would have the common cents [sic] to spell and/or grammar check their posts. It is so easy; Firefox has a built-in spell checker for Pete's sake... removes the easiest avenue to flame as well.

OP: My best advice would be not to worry about getting into the military ASAP; I was in your position in high school and the beginning of college. You'll find your way in somehow if the desire is there. As far as your plan - kick ass at community college; take advantage of what are often easier classes than at a major university. If you'd like to fly for the Navy, apply for BDCP after your first semester at State U of your choice. Make the best of that first semester and GET INVOLVED. Student organizations you wouldn't ordinarily waste your time with are another resume line on your app. Play IM sports, get good grades, and have a social life. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
The quote was actually, "There are eight million stories in the Naked City; this has been one of them." This quote was originally from the 1948 film, the "Naked City." Then in 1958, a popular TV series based upon that movie started/ended every episode with that very same quote. But Jack Webb wasn't in them. (This also suggests I might be older than you :D )

Regarding the classic and hilarious Johnny Carson/Jack Webb video..... I always wondered how they could ever keep a straight face through all that. Classic, great funny stuff!

And as Rod Serling might say..... "We now return you to your original thread."
Threadjack hereby relinquished. ;)

Right you are! I'd forgotten all about that movie.:) I just remember, Jack Webb as, Joe Friday opening up Dragnet with a similar line.

As to Webb and Carson keeping straight faces during the skit, I doubt is was hard for either of them. Carson was a great comedic straight man, and I doubt that Webb ever laughed.:) I kinda liked Webb's stuff though. I actually watched his movie, "The DI" the other night. An old black and white, a bit hokey but still very entertaining.:D



Uncle Pettibone
CRAP. I'm old, my former studs are all growns up... wonder what the hell they screwed up to get sent to TPS...

Three folks I know that went there:

One took three times to CQ in the FRS (Daddy is a Senator I believe, soiled one of the best FRS RIO's reps to get the third look at ship), taxied over the scupper and into catwalk another time...

One took Tomcat baha off the end of NTU runway at night in an attempt to take off with the wings in oversweep. His story was that he blew tire(s), Maint dudes couldn't figure out how the wings got into oversweep with no hydraulics since he killed both motors going into the grass... any tomcat folks know how recockulous this is!

One came back to DH tour after test sqdn tour and did the Tomcat to Superhornet transition, managed to DQ in the Superhornet, and was told by JO's flat out to STFU routinelly.

Honestly, I know some perty smart/talented dudes that went too, their stories aren't as fun to tell though. What does it mean??? It looks good on you.


Registered User
Zab, Webmaster, or another P-3 bubba can chime in on this....

but we had a O-4 IP in our squadron who had gone to TPS and never struck me as a particularly great stick... after I left, he was on a FAM flight with an upgrader and gave him and EFAR...... except that he had forgot to run the abbreviated T/O X-list on the runway...and thus, failed to lower flaps to T/O prior to what is arguably one of the more dangerous evolutions in a training flight. Somehow, the P-3 was light enough to go flying with runway to spare, but it was close. I guess my point kind of dovetails with Vape's....just because a guy is a TPS grad dosen't make them infallible in the cockpit.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Dunno how I'd chime in, other than Mumbles is right, no one is above making a bonehead mistake. I've made plenty.


Registered User
Great vid HJ!!

But....with all due deference....I'd prefer to hear Baba O' Riley to this vid!


HAL Pilot

Well-Known Member
Mission accomplished then! If you really like engineering and aviation, think about where you can have your cake and eat it, too!
Anyone else notice the Turkish toilet buried in the middle of the airplanes flashing by toward the end of the video?