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Having trouble contacting a recruiter


Well-Known Member
Hey everybody,

I wanted to post here before making a new topic about my current predicament. I have been unable to contact my recruiter for a month now and have tried both calling and emailing him. His phone appears to be turned off because it goes straight to voice mail. Since I have been unable to contact him directly, I have tried reaching him through NRD HQ by calling the numbers given by their contact page (http://www.cnrc.navy.mil/sandiego/sandiego-contact.htm). They have given me other phone numbers to reach him at, but they have belonged to other members of command. I have talked to and left voice mails with them, but they have either not returned my call or been unable to locate my recruiter.

Are there any other ways that I could try to get into contact with my recruiter? Below I have made a brief summary of what the application process has been like for me.

I am in the process of applying to OCS as a SNA from NRD San Diego. I have been working with my recruiter since December 2011 to complete my package to send to the Pilot board. I have completed all the necessary steps/paperwork besides going to MEPS. I was originally slated to have my package sent to the April 2012 board, but my recruiter informed me that I had a 0% chance because I was not finished with college till June of 2012. My recruiter said that the next Pilot board was going to be sometime during Aug/Sept/Oct and that we would submit my package then.

Thank you for any help you can offer.

You have been screwed pretty good, or he was trying to blow you off due to something that indicates to him you are in no way a good candidate.

The April board selected people that were up to 18 months out from getting their college degree. (how you were screwed once).

The next board after April is next week, deadline was June. (how you were screwed twice).

Look up NRD San Diego and call the Officer Assistant Chief Recruiter.

The above being said what was your GPA, ASTB, any legal or medical negatives? These may lead to him just ignoring you.