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Hello from OCS

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Taxman you got it. Every leadership eval is really based on PT. For example you are Cand. CO and you drop on a PT run guess what you get a chit, if not go to the boards. I got good evals because I could fly up the rope on the O-course and hold my own on the runs. Others, even priors, who sucked it up on pt had it bad because there lack of pt ability seemed to show a lack of leadership to the staff. Go figure.


Registered User
well, glad to see that someone else saw OCS the way I did. Some candidates were dismal failures at their billets and didn't seem to catch as much heat (on average) as those who fell out of a run.

I'm running in the mid to high 21s, not anything special but I know i'm ready - I had high leadership grades (one of only 4 guys in my platoon to get a sat on my spear eval) so hopefully I won't have to worry if i do end up screwing up once or twice.


taxman2A said:
Originally Posted by RyanVR

"Good moring rank here, Candidate your last name requests permission to speak to rank+name of person you want to speak to"
So you don't call them "sergeant instructor" and "platoon sergeant" anymore?
RyanVR said:
Correct, they all wear black belts and you refer to them by rank.
Man, say it isn't so! :eek: What's happening to our traditions? Did someone not like future officers being harassed by "former" DIs?


Ok.. people keep talking aobut falling out on runs. What kind of runs are these? I am currently running the PFT at 18:45 (and trying hard to sustain that). What does that mean when I am strapped with a sack on my back, 16 in my hand, and boots? Put me in some New Balances and gym shorts, I can haul @ss... but I worry alittle about being in boots and cammies. I run in boots and cammie pants once a week, and I seem to do ok. Whats it like during the SULE's and various courses?


Registered User
reapergm said:
Ok.. people keep talking aobut falling out on runs. What kind of runs are these? I am currently running the PFT at 18:45 (and trying hard to sustain that). What does that mean when I am strapped with a sack on my back, 16 in my hand, and boots? Put me in some New Balances and gym shorts, I can haul @ss... but I worry alittle about being in boots and cammies. I run in boots and cammie pants once a week, and I seem to do ok. Whats it like during the SULE's and various courses?

well, we're on opposite sides of the fence then. I can't run at those breakneck speeds like you gazelles with go fasters (running shoes) on (i'm around 21, sometimes 22 mins on the PFT run:( , but humps wern't that bad for me, and during sule X i was running with a 17:50 three-miler and was kicking his ass (we were in full cammies, boots, canteens, weapon and kevlar hat)

of course i'm 6'3" and 210lbs

If you can run at 18:45, you'll have no problem on the stamina course - it's mostly running with only a few additional lbs (weapon and canteens) plus those anvils on your feet.

if you're one of the smaller guys, you might have a little trouble with humps - I remember the little guys that effortlessly ran circles around me during the PFTs looking like they were about to die during the hikes.

but don't let anything stop you - with that fast a 3 mile time, you're in good shape no matter what. I'm positive you'll do just fine at OCS, as long as your pull ups are squared away.

are you shipping out in a week too?


Nah, Ive got a few months provided I get back my flight physical in time (done May 15, applied for PRK waiver). Hoping for 187. Ive got 20+ pulls now underhand, about 15 or so overhand. I figure Ill start practicing overhand more next month when my application and final PFT are in.


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LIFTER (or anyone who has been to Juniors),

I'm headed to Juniors next week, but I just got over a knee injury 3 weeks ago that had prevented me from running for 2 months prior. I was running a 21:00 3 mile, but now I'll be lucky to get in under 24:00 because of the lost training time (not to mention shin pain from jumping back into running). When you say that PT is such a big deal at Juniors, do you mean in general or the running? I'm at 15-16 pullups and 100 crunches, so I'll be able to pass the PFT with a 24 min, but I'm just worried I'm going to be way behind the pack. How many people are there generally who run a 24:00 at juniors?

How far/fast do you run in the first week or 2? I think since I have a base fitness level from running over the past year, I will be able to get my time down alot quicker.


Registered User
PLC Jr's

We had a few guys at Jr's running 24's but they excelled at everything else; if you're running that slow you better bust your ass and do well at everything else and don't fall out of humps. It doesn't matter how fast you are, you'll be worn out at the end of every day. Best advice I can give you is to know that OCS sucks really bad and quitting went through my mind more than once, but just suck it up, bust your ass, and keep your eye on completing OCS no matter what. I'll be down at Sr's in a week as well...good luck.


Registered User
Here is some of the PT we have done so far (just completed week 5, on third liberty right now)

lots of fartlek runs-- which are 3 miles over mostly flat terrain but with a sprint portion uphill and some minor hills. Exercises on the fartlek run include push-ups, pull ups, mountain climbers, situps, crunches, alternating knee crunches, dorsal raises, and more with the # of repititions and the pace of the run going up as the weeks go on.

UBD course---lap around brown field as a squad with stops at exercise stations to do exercises which include, tricep dips, pull-ups, bent knee tri-dips, dorsal raises, handing knee raisies, incline and decline push-ups, fireman's carry, situps crunches, and some minor weight lifting. Weight and repitions increase as the weeks go on.

Push-pull drills----12 pull/30 push 10 pull/25 push 8 pull/20 push You will complete them all, if you can't someone will help you get over the bar but you will do them.

other runs---squad 3 mile, squad 4 mile, squad 5 mile, individual 3 and 4 mile

squad runs are not so bad but the 4 mile individual was pretty rough on some people due to the hills on Da nang.

we had another 4 candidates dropped today from my platoon so we are down to 52 and we were told there was a candidate who went off on libo and got completely trashed in DC. two 2nd Lt's found him on the metro and he couldn't get off by himself. They knew he was a candidate (it's easy to tell candidates by haircut and clothes on libo) and he is out in a bad way.

If you can learn quickly, follow instructions, have decent iniative, are motivated, and can get above a 225 pft you should be good to go. The hardest part of PT for me is usually the upper body stuff. I'm pretty good on the runs in general.

Good luck,
Candidate Von Rembow


Super Moderator
I used to think I was hard after going through OCS and TBS, then I found me and my fam partner complaining that it was sprinkling while we were walking out to the aircraft for preflight.....lol

You guys at OCS hang in there! Also is there a GySgt Perry or Barnes there?


Registered User
Yeah, GySgt Barnes is the Company Gunnery Sergeant for Alpha Company.

He has a lot of catch phrases candidates like to use like

"Ya unda-stand that!?"
"No way, i'm talkin' to the whole company"

so many quotes already, i'll probably forgot so many good ones.

"Hey, hey crazy"
"Boy, you ARE stupid." platoon cracks up laughing. "Look, you went and made the Gunnery Sergeant lose his bearing."

Candidate Von Rembow


Well-Known Member
I am glad I got my OCS over with when I did ('02) - it sounds like things just got a lot tougher there! It was so easy when a staff member was either "Sergeant Instructor" or "Platoon Sergeant" - the green/black belts made it a no-brainer. (Parris Island was even easier, as EVERYBODY was either "Sir" or "Ma'am." Ah, the good 'ol days...)

Now you have to identify them by rank/name, not by billet...I can only imagine the hell you all must catch for screwing either of those up!!
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