I felt bad for the guy who's seatbelt got stuck and they had to bring the dunker back up to get him out.
happened to me during my last requal. awful. it also happened to be the same ride where I managed to fling my HABD across the "cockpit". resulted in a nice shoulder tweak. the new dunker was good training, by which I mean I hate it.
some folks were tossing around the idea of doing it in body armor. no thanks.
i always thought it'd be interesting to fill the dunker with chocks, intake plugs, rafts, SAR bags, helmet bags, pub bags, and NVD cases and see what would happen. i think the results would be good reinforcement for why everything needs to be tied down.
a DH in my squadron was in the notorious H-3 crash that everyone's seen on YouTube. He's a pretty jacked guy and he somehow managed to cram himself out of the H-3's sliding window. The crew chief on the flight was a known stickler for ensuring that all the mail/cargo was tightly packed and secure "just in case". when they pulled the wreckage up, all his hard work wasn't for nothing. all the mail was still in place and they delivered what they could.