No matter what career I choose, I am still going to take the LSAT for two reasons: 1) The test is good for 6 years, and so if my medical condition ever got out of control to a point I can no longer serve, I will have something to fall back on after a discharge, and 2) if I do go Intel and still have a desire to go JAG, I will have the most difficult part of the package complete.
So ultimately, I think my strongest strategy is to do Intel now and later on try for JAG IFthere is a rush to move on. However, if I can hold out in the squadron for another year or so, I will try JAG first. I know that's probably a long shot, but I gotta try.
I am sure that once I am officially attrited by CNATRA, I will have a time-table to work with.
It's a 4 year commentment out of OCS now, it's in the very fine print.