New Member
Here are the two essays that I wrote for my NROTC application (the second is optional). Any feedback is greatly appreciated. Tell me if my structure is lousy, if I didn't answer the prompt, or if I sound too pretentious....lay it on me. 
1. Discuss your reasons for wanting to become a Naval Officer.
I want to become a Naval Officer in order to fully develop myself, actively construct my future, and admirably serve my country.
The foremost reason I want to become a Naval Officer is in order to improve myself, both mentally and physically. An inherent trait in human nature is to strive for greatness. It is this innate characteristic that built the skyscrapers that tower against our skyline, that created the lights that flood our cities, and that sent man onto the moon; it is this attribute which all of humanity posseses that drives me to become a Naval Officer. I believe that the process of becoming a Naval Officer, the physical and mental rigors that I would have to endure and the skills I would learn, will help me advance along this path to greatness. I know that only the best of the best become Naval Officers, and I look forward to the challenge of rising to the height where I can one-day stand among their ranks. I realize that training to become a Naval Officer might not always be easy or fun, but I know that becoming one will make me stronger, smarter, and a better leader. I know that becoming a Naval Officer will help me to be the best I can be.
Another major reason that I want to become a Naval Officer is to ensure myself a stable future. Serving in the Armed Forces, no matter the branch, is an honorable job. Whenever I meet someone who serves in the Armed Forces, no matter how much I know about that person’s character, there is an automatic degree of respect that I have for him. It would be nice to have that type of job, a job where strangers look up to you. It will also be nice to get out of college, a time where many students are uncertain about their future, and know exactly where I plan to work. I don’t know yet if I will serve in the Navy five years, ten years, or my entire life, but at the moment that’s the job I truly want.
The final reason I want to be a Naval Officer is in order to serve my country. Not only will I be serving the USA, but I will also be doing it with likeminded men and women. I want to be part of the elite force that protects our country, our families, and our friends. After college, I want to help lead the organization that makes our way of life possible, the organization that protected my right to go to college. A famous aphorism states a fact that many of our soldiers can verify, “Freedom isn’t free.” Freedom isn’t free, I’ve reaped many of its benefits, now I want to help pay its cost.

1. Discuss your reasons for wanting to become a Naval Officer.
I want to become a Naval Officer in order to fully develop myself, actively construct my future, and admirably serve my country.
The foremost reason I want to become a Naval Officer is in order to improve myself, both mentally and physically. An inherent trait in human nature is to strive for greatness. It is this innate characteristic that built the skyscrapers that tower against our skyline, that created the lights that flood our cities, and that sent man onto the moon; it is this attribute which all of humanity posseses that drives me to become a Naval Officer. I believe that the process of becoming a Naval Officer, the physical and mental rigors that I would have to endure and the skills I would learn, will help me advance along this path to greatness. I know that only the best of the best become Naval Officers, and I look forward to the challenge of rising to the height where I can one-day stand among their ranks. I realize that training to become a Naval Officer might not always be easy or fun, but I know that becoming one will make me stronger, smarter, and a better leader. I know that becoming a Naval Officer will help me to be the best I can be.
Another major reason that I want to become a Naval Officer is to ensure myself a stable future. Serving in the Armed Forces, no matter the branch, is an honorable job. Whenever I meet someone who serves in the Armed Forces, no matter how much I know about that person’s character, there is an automatic degree of respect that I have for him. It would be nice to have that type of job, a job where strangers look up to you. It will also be nice to get out of college, a time where many students are uncertain about their future, and know exactly where I plan to work. I don’t know yet if I will serve in the Navy five years, ten years, or my entire life, but at the moment that’s the job I truly want.
The final reason I want to be a Naval Officer is in order to serve my country. Not only will I be serving the USA, but I will also be doing it with likeminded men and women. I want to be part of the elite force that protects our country, our families, and our friends. After college, I want to help lead the organization that makes our way of life possible, the organization that protected my right to go to college. A famous aphorism states a fact that many of our soldiers can verify, “Freedom isn’t free.” Freedom isn’t free, I’ve reaped many of its benefits, now I want to help pay its cost.