Hello all. I am brand new to this board (my recruiter suggested it) and was hoping for some help. I am an applicant for OCS and found I have 37 lbs to loose before I can continue. In the last month and a half I have dropped 10lbs. I run for 60 mins a day 6 times a week on an ecliptical machine. My avg distance is 6.5 miles. I do 4 styles of crunches and pushups 6 days a week. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I could do in my work out that would better prepare me and help lose the weight? What about habits with diet and general lifestyle? I am hoping to switch to running outside as it finally reached the temperature and weather were I can do that here in NH. Does anyone live in NH (near Concord) who needs a workout partner? I have a few exorcises that I would like to do but cannot do alone. Thank you all for the help in advance!