Hello all. I am brand new to this board (my recruiter suggested it) and was hoping for some help. I am an applicant for OCS and found I have 37 lbs to loose before I can continue. In the last month and a half I have dropped 10lbs. I run for 60 mins a day 6 times a week on an ecliptical machine. My avg distance is 6.5 miles. I do 4 styles of crunches and pushups 6 days a week. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I could do in my work out that would better prepare me and help lose the weight? What about habits with diet and general lifestyle? I am hoping to switch to running outside as it finally reached the temperature and weather were I can do that here in NH. Does anyone live in NH (near Concord) who needs a workout partner? I have a few exorcises that I would like to do but cannot do alone. Thank you all for the help in advance!
60 minute workouts aren't the best way to prepare unless you can maintain race pace the entire time.
On the actual PRT, not only do you have to run at a fixed pace, you will likely be somewhat gassed from the max effort PUs and SUs.
Easiest effective way to train for the PRT is to run a PRT every time...your body will adapt to it.
To increase overall fitness though, you will probably want to look at increasing intensity...sprint intervals, circuits, basically HIIT type stuff.
And if you live off chicken salad(minimal dressing and other "goodies") and water for 3 weeks and do cardio regularly, the pounds will melt off. That won't stay off though, unless you're crazy enough to keep it up afterwards, but it's a good way to take weight off fast.
And I'll plug this free stuff:
Workout 1 is a decent start
You don't need any special equipment to do it...I did it on the track, no pullup bar so i skipped that, but it still sucked.
Run through this after a quick easy run to warmup, and you'll be fitter in no time.