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Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Seattle.....Schmeattle. I deal with the 14th Street bridge getting into and out of DC every day. Y'all don't know traffic. The CV bridge idea is stupid and that's why the government will spend $90.000 to state the obvious, but I imagine it would have been cool to imagine to power calls in your head as your car approached each roundout.
The best way to cross the 14th street bridge is on your bike. :)


Recovering NFO. Herder of Programmers.
Super Moderator
Ain't going to happen, anyone with half a brain would know that. I don't think Washington does that great with infrastructure in general, especially new construction, though they are limited by geography more than others.
I currently work for SeaTac trying to help find ways to limit the pain of public sector project delivery. Trust me. Public sector contracting is a world-class pain in the ass, and the "Seattle Process" doesn't help. We have a 20-page 8.5x14 flowchart where construction begins and ends on page 19. Average time from idea to finish is assessed to be 5 years. Fixing it ain't gonna happen on my watch; I just want to move the needle an eighth of an inch.
I'd love for a bridge on the south end of Whidbey but that'll never happen. That area would blow up and I'd rather live there instead of Anacortes. In fact, that'd make a social life possible.
Google WSDOT's studies for putting a bridge to Strawberry Point north of Stanwood. Notwithstanding the burned-out aging hippies shrieking about sprawl, know what the LIMFAC is/was? Fucking eelgrass. It's a habitat for endangered fish, Skagit Bay is full of it, and the law says if you rip habitat out, you have to remediate it somewhere else. But eelgrass doesn't transplant well. Thus, no bridge.


Will fly for food.
Doesn't surprise me, but honestly it'll only be a matter of time. One bridge in and out of the Island can only last for so long and the ferries, while enjoyable, will either need to be replaced or handle so much. I just measured the Clinton-Mukilteo distance and it's 2.73 mi (nerd I know, but I was curious) and that's definitely doable bridge-wise. Obviously there are some other factors at play.

Uncle Fester

Robot Pimp
Super Moderator
The best way to cross the 14th street bridge is on the Metro Yellow line. :)


The carrier bridge idea sounds cool in theory, but I can't for a minute believe it'd be easier/cheaper to keep a bunch of rusting hulls afloat and in good condition, than it would be a conventional bridge.

Albeit, we're not doing such a good job with keeping our conventional bridges maintained, either.


Super Moderator
I currently work for SeaTac trying to help find ways to limit the pain of public sector project delivery. Trust me. Public sector contracting is a world-class pain in the ass, and the "Seattle Process" doesn't help. We have a 20-page 8.5x14 flowchart where construction begins and ends on page 19. Average time from idea to finish is assessed to be 5 years. Fixing it ain't gonna happen on my watch; I just want to move the needle an eighth of an inch...

As a longtime resident of the DC area I have seen how long it can take big projects to come to fruition (and how quickly some can happen too) but it seems Washington state takes those sorts of projects to a whole new level inefficiency, not getting a single major project off the ground when I lived there when they desperately needed a bunch of them. Maybe that is why the guy got money for such a harebrained scheme.

What the heck is the 'Seattle Process'?

The best way to cross the 14th street bridge is on your bike. :)

Or be escorted across by DC cops, they tried that with a bunch of hookers years ago.
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Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
To make this threadjack complete, it was not unusual for me to see prostitutes (and pimps and lookouts) working in my neighborhood as I walked to the Convention Center Metro station every morning at 0500. It was kind of entertaining to watch the whole phenomenon. When a Metro DC cruiser would suddenly appear, they would scatter like cockroaches - crouching behind parked cars or trying to run in their 9 inch whore-heels.


Recovering NFO. Herder of Programmers.
Super Moderator
What the heck is the 'Seattle Process'?
An unnecessary obsession with consensus, unanimity, and giving everyone their chance to hold hands, sing "Kumbaya," and talk about their feelings prior to starting any public works project. Per the quote in Wikipedia below, "circular consultation reaching indecision." Exhibit A: the Alaskan Way Viaduct was crippled in the Nisqually Earthquake in 2001, and 14 years later, Bertha is stuck under Pioneer Square.



Well-Known Member
An unnecessary obsession with consensus, unanimity, and giving everyone their chance to hold hands, sing "Kumbaya," and talk about their feelings prior to starting any public works project. Per the quote in Wikipedia below, "circular consultation reaching indecision." Exhibit A: the Alaskan Way Viaduct was crippled in the Nisqually Earthquake in 2001, and 14 years later, Bertha is stuck under Pioneer Square.

That's funny and pathetic. The narcissism and selfishness of "progressives" never ceases to amaze me.


Will fly for food.
Actually, it's all a part of Seattle's plan to make owning a car so terrible and painful that you'll want to bike everywhere. They removed lanes to add bike lanes, removed parking spots and turned them into "mini parks." They don't realize that people still drive and hanging out in traffic will be more harmful than not.


Recovering NFO. Herder of Programmers.
Super Moderator
That's funny and pathetic. The narcissism and selfishness of "progressives" never ceases to amaze me.
I love Seattle. I do wish some of the residents would STFU and go jump in Puget Sound. I really hope the tech boom up here brings a more libertarian bent to the conversation, but I'm not exactly hopeful. King County has a reality distortion field on its borders, I think.
Actually, it's all a part of Seattle's plan to make owning a car so terrible and painful that you'll want to bike everywhere. They removed lanes to add bike lanes, removed parking spots and turned them into "mini parks." They don't realize that people still drive and hanging out in traffic will be more harmful than not.
Hey, I'll take the bike-friendly stuff over getting run over by Cletus in his pickup whilst cross-training. HOV lanes are the freaking spawn of Satan, though. "Hey, let's irretrievably snarl 405 during rush hour, so that the 5 percent of people who can feasibly car pool to work every day feel good about themselves!" Best part? All the techies in their Teslas and Volts are clogging the HOV lanes, so WSDOT now has the bright idea of turning them into toll lanes because they're moving too slow! WTF?? God forbid we use the full, if totally inadequate, carrying capacity of the freaking highway!