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Hornet driver to Intel to Fox News?


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
Wink - I enjoy FNC as much as the next guy, but you really need to get some more fiber in your diet :)
I guess I am a little dense tonight. I don't know what you mean. Would it make a difference if I had referenced some of the bios of CNN or MSNBC reporters and anchors? I am glad you enjoy FNC, but my post wasn't about FNC or any news network. It was about the cheep shot. A throw away comment I understand to convey superiority and disdain. The "look pretty and read a Telepormter" comment also sounds rather sexist. I suppose Wolf Blitzer and Chris Wallace, not looking pretty, must have done something to earn their place? I happen to believe anyone who is a major reporter or anchor for a national news organization has something on the ball and worked hard to get there.
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Well-Known Member
I guess I am a little dense tonight. I don't know what you mean.
That was just my smart-ass way of saying "lighten up Francis." I understand your "cheap shot" sentiment though . . . .

Cheers !


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
That was just my smart-ass way of saying "lighten up Francis." I understand your "cheap shot" sentiment though . . . .

Cheers !
Oh, I get that pop culture reference and understand I came off a bit too serious.

Recovering LSO

Suck Less
I happen to believe anyone who is a major reporter or anchor for a nation news organization has something on the ball and worked hard to get there.
peoples exhibit number 1.

I happen to believe anyone can watch whatever they want and call it news, but those who defend Fox as actually being fair, balanced, or credible make me chuckle a little bit inside. Same with the blubbering idiots (Maria Cardona) over at CNN and everybody's favorite pesky little brother Rachael Maddow at MSNBC. None of it is journalism - it's entertainment.

1800 PST, Direct TV Ch 9.
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War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
....everybody's favorite pesky little brother Rachael Maddow at MSNBC.

None of it is journalism - it's entertainment.
Journalism: noun \ˈjər-nə-ˌli-zəm\
: the activity or job of collecting, writing, and editing news stories for newspapers, magazines, television, or radio.
Mr. Webster seems to think what CNN and World News Tonight does is journalism. I don't see where the dissemination of news via newspaper, magazine TV or radio must not be entertaining. I'd prefer the entertainment value not supersede the dissemination of news, but somehow they do manage to convey the news despite of the attractive talking heads.

Your exhibit 1 is weak. Those mispronunciations were taken over several years. No accounting for the fatigue or other distractions that may have led to them. They made mistakes. Professionals of every profession make mistakes. Every private pilot is expected to level off at altitude. Yet airline pilots and Naval Aviators miss their assigned altitude every day. I have yet to hear of a FNC anchor causing the death of anyone for making a mistake pronouncing a name on the air. When we make mistakes people may die. FNC anchors are simply made the butt of jokes by the HuffPost. Doesn't mean they are dipshits or incompetent any more than when we get a clearance wrong and a friendly air traffic controller sets us straight rather than violating us.