Several years ago there was a TH-57 mishap that, without getting too into details from the SIR, one of the endorsements really seized on the idea that the "cross country hover" and ran with it. That is a lower-than-normal hover, used to compensate for high gross weight (when you're loaded up with students, gas, and bags), and the associated IP technique may have been a contributing factor. (In the mishap the aircraft caught a skid on the ground and flipped onto its side, sort of a dynamic rollover thing but mostly touching down with too much lateral drift.)
Suffice to say that had a mostly negative reaction (putting it nicely) from the instructor cadre. Of course, there's a lot more to the story but it wouldn't be right to put all the details out on here.
Normal in the TH-57 is 5' (by the book) and the -60 was 10'. Coming from that background 3' seems a bit low for an aircraft of the Lakota's size being used in a primary training. So I agree with Chuck's "hmm, that seems low" reaction but then again I'm not involved in that program in any way (Army business is Army business).