They pass legislation that probably isn't going to help anything, and then dick it up even worse by making loopholes for big business (or big academia, whoever it is with the money). Hallmark of our lawmakers. Why do I ever think that writing to my congressmen ever makes a difference.
Great point - There will probably be a huge flood of everyone becoming a CFI to grab the hours. ....which is another topic altogether.... CFI inbreeding... A ~250hr CFI disperses his/her 250 hour, 172 mostly VFR controlled conditions, aeronautical wisdom on future pilots who then go on to become CFIs - who then teach others, etc,etc.... The goal of most, not all, CFIs is to build enough time to get a better job (i.e. flying a shiny regional jet)
I suspect it was the best (eh hem, least) money could buy.?.
Need we look any further than Jack Roush's incident this weekend? Would be interested to see what level of training he received to fly a multi-engine jet. I suspect it was the best (eh hem, least) money could buy.?.
Yep.Isn't that the second plane he has crashed?
Need we look any further than Jack Roush's incident this weekend? Would be interested to see what level of training he received to fly a multi-engine jet. I suspect it was the best (eh hem, least) money could buy.?.
This is a needless cheap shot at Roush.
Asking what kind of training he had to be flying a multi-engine jet by himself (yes, wife was in cabin) is a valid question.
The act of manning up, starting the engines, taxiing, take off and landing. These things can not be substituted, these are the areas where we learn the most as fledgling aviators.
consider this through the lens of something that may be a little nearer and dearer: "you need 50 hours in type to go CQ, but we're going to give you 15 hours of really good lectures, 20 hours of simulators, and another 15 hours of actual flying and call that your 50. don't F it up, we're all counting on you."
Roger that: it all started @ 1977 .......I agree there's a point of too much sim ... we can all agree that occasionally bad folks slip through the cracks in military flight training.