I am currently in IFS right now, and living in Milton.
Is it possible to work out a deal where you can get stashed at Whiting Field during the wait so I am not driving every morning to muster and just turning around and driving home?
It is possible. I have a buddy that did his own legwork to get stashed at Whiting recently. Just don't expect to be given a job on a platter, ask around the specific squadrons, things like PAO, Legal, and whatnot.
If you talk to the IFS office and explain that your family lives in Milton you can request to do IFS in milton which cuts out about 3-5 weeks worth of driving far.
I went to them and explained my situation, and they gave me IFS in Milton. Now I drive to NASP once a week, and drive 8 minutes to the IFS School every day. Makes life much easier! And since I live so close, I always get called if my instructor has a cancellation. IFS is freaking awesome because of the 8 minute drive. If the schedule is backed up you can go home for an hour or two and come back, as opposed to the people that live in PCola, and have a 50 minute drive each way.
From what I have heard from my friends in API, its not too bad driving from Milton. I think the earliest muster I have heard of was 7 AM, which means leaving Milton at about 6AM to be safe.
I also heard the wait times are low
right now, so 6ish weeks in API < 6 Month Primary. Of course thats my $0.02.