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How competitive am I?


Awhile back I started a thread inquiring about becoming an officer with the navy. My question is this, based on my current stats..what is the probability of being selected to attend OCS (officers training)?

I am 25 years old. I have a BA in Criminal Justice with a 3.1 UGPA. I was also a member on the Criminal Justice honor society, and have had various internships with several law enforcement agencies. In addition, I work as a volunteer police officer, and have received several scholarships while in school. As a youth I was also awarded the rank of Eagle. Some of this might not mean much in terms of selection process, but I figured I'd post these things just to get feedback from people. I wish my GPA were a little higher, but there is nothing I can do about that at this point.
I am in excellent physical shape, and have a clean record as well. How competitive am I?

The problem is this: I am currently working towards earning a Masters in Criminal Justice which I expect to have by the time I am 27. I realize that by then some doors may be closed to me. If I were to pursue a career with the military (specifically Naval Officer) Then is it worth it to continue with the Masters program? Other than pay band, what are the benefits of having an advanced degree? I've just started in the process so I'm wondering if someone can give me advice.

Thank You


is good to go
I have not read your previous post, but I have a question for you. Why have you not applied? If you are not accepted then you its not like you lost your chance at continuing with your masters.


Dust Bunny Supreme
See, if you went the HARD way and enlisted first you have an age waiver up to 29 years old for pilot/NFO...but don't do that and tell your kids "NO" to enlisting in the Army...especially Infantry! :icon_rage


I havent applied yet because I'm looking to get more information. The second part of my post assumes that if I were to be accepted then is it worth pursuing either or?


is good to go
After reading your previous post, it seems like your sh** out of luck trying to get a job in the civilian world. Apply to the officer program! Aside from the grammar in your previous post I would say you are very competitive. Tomorrow call the OSO in your area!! Set up an interview and tell him your predicament. Dont make your decision based on a few threads on airwarriors.
Good luck


After reading your previous post, it seems like your sh** out of luck trying to get a job in the civilian world. Apply to the officer program! Aside from the grammar in your previous post I would say you are very competitive. Tomorrow call the OSO in your area!! Set up an interview and tell him your predicament. Dont make your decision based on a few threads on airwarriors.
Good luck

Why am I "sh** out of luck"?? Somebody else commented on my grammar which actually lead to the thread getting closed out. Not trying to be defensive here, but I carefully analyze my writing (word for word) when need be. As most others do as well. What is OSO.


is good to go
In your previous post you wrote:
The only problem is that I'm now finding it extrememly difficult to get a decent job. I've taken just about every civil service exam in the New York area, and the fact that I'm not scoring in the top 5% means that I'll most likely have to wait several/many years assuming I even get called. I tried for the local police dept in my area, but unfortunately it just didn't work out. I have two specific goals in mind. I'm interested in going to law school, and possibly working for the Federal Goverment (Specfically FBI, US Marshalls, SS, etc) I havent applied to any agencies yet, but I will very soon. In fact I probably should have done so already.)

Another problem that I feel bad about is that I don't have any specfic skills that many of these Federal Agencies would like. (Computer, Engineering, Accounting, Multiple Foregin Language, etc)

An OSO is an officer recruiter who will guide you through the whole process. Do not call the enlisted recruiters make sure it is an officer recruiter. Find an OSO in your area by going to Navy.com.. You will find a contact in there somewhere.


In your previous post you wrote:
The only problem is that I'm now finding it extrememly difficult to get a decent job. I've taken just about every civil service exam in the New York area, and the fact that I'm not scoring in the top 5% means that I'll most likely have to wait several/many years assuming I even get called. I tried for the local police dept in my area, but unfortunately it just didn't work out. I have two specific goals in mind. I'm interested in going to law school, and possibly working for the Federal Goverment (Specfically FBI, US Marshalls, SS, etc) I havent applied to any agencies yet, but I will very soon. In fact I probably should have done so already.)

Another problem that I feel bad about is that I don't have any specfic skills that many of these Federal Agencies would like. (Computer, Engineering, Accounting, Multiple Foregin Language, etc)

An OSO is an officer recruiter who will guide you through the whole process. Do not call the enlisted recruiters make sure it is an officer recruiter. Find an OSO in your area by going to Navy.com.. You will find a contact in there somewhere.

Thank You Lonestar. It's just that where I live it is extremely difficult to get any job in any law enforcement agency. I have no political connections. I guess it's a matter of being in the right place at the right time. Those skills I was refering to were ideal for jobs with Federal Gov. Not state or city which I was primarily concerned about getting. Interestingly as diffficult as it is to get these jobs the salaries are very low. Even at top salary. What would a first year officer be likely to make generally?

Btw my question about the Masters really wasn't answered.


What would a first year officer be likely to make generally?

Btw my question about the Masters really wasn't answered.

ENS pay kinda sucks. I made about $40K as an ENS in 2003 in San Diego, and anyone can tell you that doesn't go very far in that city.

As for your masters, you won't get paid more for having a masters. Having a masters as a JO won't get you much. Some officers get a masters later on, but really, it won't come into play until the O-4/O-5 level for most communities.


Professional Javelin Catcher
Short answer: having the MS may be an additional "nice to have" item on your application, but aside from that it'll gain you nothing if you're looking to become a military officer. It's not like fed civil service - you don't get paid more or start at a higher rank/paygrade. Everyone (with a few exceptions like medical types) all commission as O-1/ENS/2LT depending on which service you join.

Your decision ultimately comes down to this: do you want to be a civil service-type law enforcement guy or a military officer? Wanna be a fed cop - finish the MS. Want to fly for the military (or be a mil officer in any capacity) - you're burning daylight. Age waivers are granted but only for prior service guys. Apply now if it's really what you want to do, but only if it's really what you want to do. Those with the "no one else was hiring at the time" often find themselves wishing they had chosen another line of work.

Just my .02, take it FWIW.