I hate to tell you this but your chances are slim. The best way to get cleared by NAMI is the following: Go to your original doctor who diagnosed you with ADHD and have him or her provide you with a letter saying that you have no signs or symptoms of the disorder and do not require medication and likely the original diagnosis was not accurate. That is the tried and true way to do this. If you no longer have access to the original doctor, then go see a trained psychiatrist who can write you that letter.Hey,
Might have to go through something similar for SNA in the USMC. How did this end up going? I know it's been over a year. I would love to hear how this has gone for anyone else too. I want to know what my chances are. Has anyone been diagnosed and on meds for a time and cleared to be a pilot by NAMI?
Without having documents showing that you have been cleared of any and all suspicion of having ADHD, then the Navy will do their due diligence and test you for it. In my case, I spent the better part of OCS going to doctors appointments and being poked and prodded and evaluated by doctors and shrinks. It was stressful and all of the results came back as inconclusive. Just to be clear, OCS is not a good environment for evaluating your ability to concentrate, focus, and push your cognitive abilities. In the end, I received the NAMI Whammy while at OCS and had to redesignate. Most of the guys who got flagged for a condition that needed a waiver and investigation while I was there ended up having to redesignate as well. Understand that at this stage of the game, the doctors have nothing invested in you and use medical to weed you out of the pipeline and reduce potential risk of failure/catastrophe downstream in the Fleet. It's harsh but that's just the way it goes.