Well-Known Member
Intel and IP are zero as well.
according to FY12 accession data released by big navy they are over accessing due to designator conversions (can't be sub/pilot/etc...)
It isn't what I am saying, it is what the board members send back as feedback, I have not seen an IDC goal change in 3 years for OCS accessions, the reason is they have enough medical redesignations at OCS they can fix it there.
If the goal is zero his or anyone else's application will not go anywhere, they are auto rejected upon arrival at NRC.
according to FY12 accession data released by big navy they are over accessing due to designator conversions (can't be sub/pilot/etc...)
It isn't what I am saying, it is what the board members send back as feedback, I have not seen an IDC goal change in 3 years for OCS accessions, the reason is they have enough medical redesignations at OCS they can fix it there.
If the goal is zero his or anyone else's application will not go anywhere, they are auto rejected upon arrival at NRC.
For the OP...any reason you specifically want IW as opposed to Naval Intelligence or the Information Professional community? Write your applications focusing on the general Naval Officer focus...and add in verbiage that can apply to all the sub-communities of the Information Dominance Corps (unless you REALLY do not want to be an Intel Officer or IP).
The fact that the current goal for IW is zero is...to put it mildly...a bummer. However, goals and situations change. Combine that with the fact that IW is actually under-accessed in the junior officer ranks no matter where the NPC accession quota goal is set...the worst the Navy can say to you is "no". But if you don't apply you'll never get in. As far as the lack of calculus in your background...I understand what NAVYOFFREC is saying...but the IW community needs more common sense than crazy math and computer skills in its officer corps, if you ask me. And the computer/cyber side of the house is just that...a side of the house...not the whole she-bang.
If you're interested, head over to www.informationwarriors.net It's the IW version of Airwarriors...