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How does NROTC work?


Registered User
I was just wondering if one decides to go in the NROTC how do they get NFO or Pilot on their comission? When would you take the ASTB? I just finished my freshmen year of college and I've been talking to the Navy and Marines about how to become an aviatior. I can afford school now so would it really be nessecary to advance my career as an aviator?

Fezz CB

You usually take the ASTB soph or jr year. The unit will submit your package Fall of your senior year and you'll get a decision usually before xmas. Good luck!


If you can afford school...enjoy that...talk to a Military recruiter your senior year. Save your GI Bill (you lose that if you do NROTC or BDCP) for "follow-on training." I enjoyed NROTC, but it closes some doors down the line and makes you decide NOT to throw down on Sunday night because of PT at 0600 on Monday...and I don't like having decisions like that taken away from me. Well, then I go get married...go figure. Don't listen to a word I say.

Just my opinion (NROTC kid).


is clara ship
yes, this has definitely been discussed at length. But the Cliff's Notes:

(1) You can do College Program (do a search) as an incoming Sophomore (I assume you will be one). This may be the quickest/easiest way for you to get into the NROTC program at this point (compared to trying to push scholarship paperwork 3-4 months too late)....if you want to enroll by next fall. The important thing will be to do well during your first year. By spring time, you will have to be accepted into one of the 2 following routes:

* Scholarship (the preferred route IMHO)- this has been and will continue to be very competitive....good grades and unit performance will put you in a good spot.

* Advanced Standing (do a search)- Last year NONE were given out....I don't know why exactly (perhaps this option is nearing its demise). I would not count on it next year. I only know 2 of these folks in my unit of roughly 50 (non-OC/MECEP) students.

If neither of these become options, you are out...handshake and a smile accompanied by a "goodbye". From my experience (and no matter what anyone else claims) having a technical major helps in getting a scholarship. My grades weren't incredible (around 3.2 GPA) coming out of freshman year, but I picked up scholarship a full year before a lot of my non-tech friends. I guess all the late nights pay off a little....

(2) For now, don't worry about "advancing your career towards pilot".....at this point there is not too much that you can do outside of school to make yourself more competitive than your friends (in NROTC). Get good grades, do well around the unit (participate, improve) and you will more than likely write your own orders (figuratively speaking of course). You can take the ASTB early, but I would recommend taking some time to study first...there is not a huge hurry. Most people I know take it 3/c or 2/c year (as was posted earlier). If you are really motivated, start taking flying lessons. It may not improve your chances on paper, but it will at least give you a taste of what to expect later.

Let me know if you have any other more specific questions....I've been around (in the program) for a while, have kept my eyes and ears open, and I like to help newbs:D
ChunksJR said:
Save your GI Bill (you lose that if you do NROTC or BDCP) for "follow-on training."

I don't believe you lose your GI Bill if you do BDCP...pretty sure I have somthing about that in my contract. I'd have to check to be sure of course.


Registered User
DW43 said:
I was just wondering if one decides to go in the NROTC how do they get NFO or Pilot on their comission? When would you take the ASTB? I just finished my freshmen year of college and I've been talking to the Navy and Marines about how to become an aviatior. I can afford school now so would it really be nessecary to advance my career as an aviator?

Well, in addition to the 'normal' schedule, you could be like me-- planning on going SWO and then Navy ran out of ships for everyone spring semester senior year (BTW, I want to thank everyone involved for taking 4 years to figure that one out.) I actually didn't get designated until a week before commissioning.

Moral of the story: DON'T do NROTC if you want certainty. It's less intense than OCS, but honestly, drawing it out over a few years adds some unwanted disadvantages. You have to sacrifice a lot of personal time to do well in school and not suck as a mid, it gets so damn political, and it's easy to get demoralized. (I'm only speaking for myself and the mids I've met from other schools.) On the other hand, coming out of school with money in hand feels really frickin' sweet, you might find the shining unit on a hill, and you don't have to do OCS after school is done. Hope that hasn't confused you too much. Good luck.


RichardDelk said:
I don't believe you lose your GI Bill if you do BDCP...pretty sure I have somthing about that in my contract. I'd have to check to be sure of course.

You are correct. Since BDCP is basically an enlistment and not a scholarship, you keep the GI Bill. I know a guy who went to school on the GI Bill, got picked up for BDCP, and was working part time...needless to say, he wasn't hurtin' for cash.

Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator
ChunksJR said:
If you can afford school...enjoy that...talk to a Military recruiter your senior year.

Hmm, my education cost $130,000. Yeah, no thank you. NROTC is the way. ;)


Well-Known Member
Yeah, every month when I pay more than my friggin mortgage in student loans, I think ROTC may have been a better plan. (but I was not cool with the "selection" process. I am allergic to blackshoes)
Don't forget some of the perks of BDCP though. The Navy doesn't pay for your schooling directly, but you get E-3 pay plus BAH/BAS for up to three years (tech degree). That, and you start to accumulate time in service as soon as you enlist, so you'll always make more than your USNA/NROTC counterparts... :)


Registered User
ENSKitty said:
Well, in addition to the 'normal' schedule, you could be like me-- planning on going SWO and then Navy ran out of ships for everyone spring semester senior year

By reading your profile and your post it looks like you wanted SWO, but instead were placed in an NFO slot??? If that is the case, then congratulations...its probably the best thing that could have happened to you. Seriously, it really is...like snatching victory from the jaws of defeat :)


is clara ship
RichardDelk said:
Don't forget some of the perks of BDCP though. The Navy doesn't pay for your schooling directly, but you get E-3 pay plus BAH/BAS for up to three years (tech degree). That, and you start to accumulate time in service as soon as you enlist, so you'll always make more than your USNA/NROTC counterparts... :)

I had never really thought of that....however prior enlisted pay tops out at O-3E I believe


I had never really thought of that....however prior enlisted pay tops out at O-3E I believe

You need 4 years and a day to rate O-1E when you commission, so BDCPer's don't rate O-xE pay (unless of course they really were prior enlisted).

Bottom line is, you can crunch numbers all you want and say which one is worth more, but your goal should be to get a commission any way you can.


getting salty...
BDCP'ers dont get O-1E pay, but they do get O-1 with 2-3 years (based how long they have been in the program). And as MIDNJAC said, the non-priors catch up to the priors in pay around O-3.

Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator
mules83 said:
BDCP'ers dont get O-1E pay, but they do get O-1 with 2-3 years (based how long they have been in the program). And as MIDNJAC said, the non-priors catch up to the priors in pay around O-3.

I still think that's total bullsh!t that they do nothing until OCS and get service time, and I did 4 years of NROTC and get sh!t out of that.

Cool program though.