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How I got an NFO slot after LASIK (and how you can too)


Pineapples don't grow on trees.
How I got an NFO slot after LASIK or... The really really long and trying road.

As far as I know I am the second person ever to be accepted (as a civilian) for OCS to Naval Flight Officer after having LASIK. For those of you with bad eyes, who still want to be up in the air, it is possible.

I started my application for Navy OCS about 14 months ago. My OCS date is Dec 6th.

When I put my application in to the Navy, I had already been dealing with the Army WOFT program for about 9 months. I was fed up so I went with my first pick, the Navy. At this point Lasik candidates aren't allowed a pilot slot according to regs, so I picked NFO. (Goose was why everyone watched Top Gun anyway, right?)

At this point I had already been to MEPS and gotten one issue squared away courtesy of the Army. That issue was having the wrong paperwork on my Lasik surgery sent to MEPS. DO NOT DO THIS! Make sure the paperwork sent to MEPS comes from your doctor's office post-surgery. NOT the information the machine spits out during surgery. This is what happened in my case and caused a foul-up of unbelievable proportions.

After a few months in-process with the Navy I received my pro-rec. For those of you not familiar with the process, this is the first "good to go" you get. However it was many months before I got my "final select".

Be prepared to travel. The process requires you to be examined at one of ten Lasik-equipped Naval facilities, all of which are on the coast. After finally making an appointment, I drove to Camp Pendleton, CA to have mine done. This is the same exam performed by your doctor post-surgery, but a little more thorough. Additionally, be prepared for the fact that while this is a requirement, there is no official way to do it. To even schedule an appointment at a Naval doctor, you have to be in the system. As a civilian, you aren't in the system and can't be. Talk to the person in charge. Explain who you are, and your situation. Be kind and respectful. They will help you through.

For the non-vision related side - ASTB, and your packet, this is my advice. For the ASTB, study. Study your butt off. Don't just use the ASTB guide book, it is highly misleading as to the questions on the actual test, ESPECIALLY the math section. Get all the prep books you can, and then prep some more. For your packet, your letters of recommendation and your personal statement are the key. As far as I am concerned, your scores are really secondary to these things. Focus on getting three amazing letters of recommendation. Talk to a favorite College professor, a friend or acquaintance who is already an officer, and a present or former pilot. Get them to vouch for your goals, beliefs, and your character.

The one piece of advice I would give is to be patient, but not complacent. Understand that you are going to have to jump through a ton of hoops, its going to take a while, and that it is going to be frustrating at times. Be prepared to repeat steps. Make friends with your recruiter and don't piss him off, he is going to have a ton of work to do already to get you in, and a bad attitude on your part isn't going to help. Most importantly, don't give up. Ever.


Old RIOs never die: They just can't fast-erect
You could wear glasses or contacts & do the same thing. Now you have to answer the Q: "If you have 20/20 vision, why aren't you in SNA training?"


Pineapples don't grow on trees.
I still don't know if I have a (short) reply to that question. Other than, there is the right way, the wrong way, and the Navy way.


What percentage get LCS?
Zaptoman --

I had LASIK too and I, literally, just got a TDQ from N3M due to my LASIK. I was a PR in AUG2009.

My OR was in the process of heading to the HQ NRD to figure out what is required for the waiver (literally today).

Currently, there is a "LASIK in Aviation Study" being conducted and that is why I was able (and I assume you too) to apply for SNA/SNFO with having LASIK.

I had my surgery conducted in 2004 with no complications to date. I recently had an eye exam in early SEP2009 and was 100% on everything and MEPS went by fine.

Can you elaborate on what we have to be examined for? Luckily I am in the DC area and I believe the Navy is able to screen at Bethesda (one of the 10 centers able to conduct the WaveFront screening).

How long was the turn around and what not? Did they come back to you with any additional waiver requests (I have an issue with my age coming close to 27 with no prior service, however, a dude in my NRD was just approved and is at OCS now who had the same issue).

Thanks again for the post and the information.



Old RIOs never die: They just can't fast-erect
I still don't know if I have a (short) reply to that question. Other than, there is the right way, the wrong way, and the Navy way.

No offense intended and hope none taken. I was just pulling your chain in jest, young man. You're learning though, as my father (a WWII vet) told me the same thing, as did the Chiefs at OCS Newport back in the day. Good luck and success as an SNFO.


Pineapples don't grow on trees.
Getaway, they do a slit-lamp exam, check refractive error, topography, and do some other tests which really I don't recall. The form you need is Screening Exam Form Following LASIK 10.30.2008. That has all the info on there, and is what you'll need to have filled out by the doc (along with his stamp) for your recruiter to send to medical. You are correct, Bethesda is actually the first facility on the list.

Don't fret the TDQ too much. Just keep pushing. It is not the end of the line.
Expect about 2 months turn-around time before you are medically qualified. They may ask for additional information. That's the time to have your recruiter and his boss on your side. Just don't give up.


Pineapples don't grow on trees.
No offense taken at all. Thanks for your well wishes and for your service.


What percentage get LCS?
Getaway, they do a slit-lamp exam, check refractive error, topography, and do some other tests which really I don't recall. The form you need is Screening Exam Form Following LASIK 10.30.2008. That has all the info on there, and is what you'll need to have filled out by the doc (along with his stamp) for your recruiter to send to medical. You are correct, Bethesda is actually the first facility on the list.

Don't fret the TDQ too much. Just keep pushing. It is not the end of the line.
Expect about 2 months turn-around time before you are medically qualified. They may ask for additional information. That's the time to have your recruiter and his boss on your side. Just don't give up.

Thanks so much for the heads up! Makes me hopefully. Definitely will keep pushing; this ends in me achieving the ability to earn wings.

The only deal is that I turn 27 in January, but they have gone this far already. As mentioned, my NRD was planning for only submitting a waiver for my age. I wonder if they just sidelined the age in place of getting the LASIK checked out?

Any insight?

Thanks either way and I hope to see you either at OCS or flight school.

I will let you know how this progresses.



Pineapples don't grow on trees.
I can't say for sure what your recruiter may have done. It seems to me that they would need a waiver for Lasik too. But again I don't know how exactly this was done in my case. I don't have the same issue you have with the age thing, but I would think if your recruiter has put this much effort into you already, then he's not going to give up just because you're 27 and two months or however old.

Looking forward to seeing you at OCS or flight school as well.

Just remember, keep your chin up and don't take no for an answer. I'll see you on the flight deck.



Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
I hope you guys get all the waivers you need, but as a heads up, when the Navy was doing their PRK for aviators experiment, it took them about 6 years before they started accepting PRK surgeries performed by non-Navy (I.E. civilian) eye docs for folks like you who are applying for SNA/SNFO positions. Hope it doesn't take them that long for LASIK, but the potential is there.



What percentage get LCS?
I hope you guys get all the waivers you need, but as a heads up, when the Navy was doing their PRK for aviators experiment, it took them about 6 years before they started accepting PRK surgeries performed by non-Navy (I.E. civilian) eye docs for folks like you who are applying for SNA/SNFO positions. Hope it doesn't take them that long for LASIK, but the potential is there.


Thanks for the heads up.

Let's hope the Flight Surgeon gods smile favorably upon us.

However, any news of anyone clearing that hurdle is positive.

Thanks for the positive vibes either way.


"I believe in ammunition"
Why did you get LASIK as opposed to PRK? It seems like you jumped through twice the hoops while DQ'ing yourself from applying SNA.

You a Bronco?


Pineapples don't grow on trees.
Why did you get LASIK as opposed to PRK? It seems like you jumped through twice the hoops while DQ'ing yourself from applying SNA.

You a Bronco?
I am a Bronco. I got Lasik because it was in my opinion smarter, and safer than PRK. PRK is old tech, and I wanted the new hotness. My eyes first, the Navy's second. :)


I am a Bronco. I got Lasik because it was in my opinion smarter, and safer than PRK. PRK is old tech, and I wanted the new hotness. My eyes first, the Navy's second. :)

Like Zaptoman, I had LASIK and am in the "study" to be picked up for SNA as we speak....I'm simply waiting on the results to trickle their way back to me. The initial physical that I went in for my SNA package, the eye doc immediately said i was DQ'd, but when I got to the Flight Surgeon he mentioned a study was in play but wasn't "published" so to speak. Because I had a kick@$$ flight surgeon, I have the potential to be picked up - hopefully. Also, the location made a difference too because I luckily (without knowing before hand) went to the designated location that had already been approved for LASIK procedures. SO, fingers crossed, planning for the worst and hoping for the best, standing by to stand by and so on...result...FIND ME!!! LOL


What percentage get LCS?
Like Zaptoman, I had LASIK and am in the "study" to be picked up for SNA as we speak....I'm simply waiting on the results to trickle their way back to me. The initial physical that I went in for my SNA package, the eye doc immediately said i was DQ'd, but when I got to the Flight Surgeon he mentioned a study was in play but wasn't "published" so to speak. Because I had a kick@$$ flight surgeon, I have the potential to be picked up - hopefully. Also, the location made a difference too because I luckily (without knowing before hand) went to the designated location that had already been approved for LASIK procedures. SO, fingers crossed, planning for the worst and hoping for the best, standing by to stand by and so on...result...FIND ME!!! LOL

This is the exact thing that I am in the pipeline for. I was given a TDQ at the beginning of the week (already a PRO-REC SNA/SNFO). My OR was instructed to get the necessary screening done for the study.

Just waiting to hear from my NRD for follow-up. Hopefully soon...

Best to all waiting.