If anyone finds out about having your orders changed from TDY to PCS if you exceed 120 days LET US KNOW!
But wait! My roommate and I were MISCOUNCELED! In other words, since Fort Leavenworth's head was further up their..... than my own... there might still be a chance. In fact, since it wasn't my roommate’s fault, it was Leavenworth's, when she is billed she'll be able to dispute the charge and it should get dropped, no harm and a free move for her! But for me? Well turns out the Navy's a little more stingy when it comes to cutting a check vs. forgiving a debt. No matter that I was miscounceled in the same way she was, I can expect no reimbursement.
This is why I never take an advance on DLA or Dity move. I would rather complete the move then get a nice fat $3000 check that I got for my move down to Corpus and not have to worry about being over paid upfront.
I do have the paperwork, and I pushed really hard at the time. I was shot down numerous times and while I usually never take no for an answer I thought my hopes were done. Yes, I have the document showing how I was miscounseled and this is what my roommate will use to avoid PAYING for a PCS move.
We are not even allowed to submit for our PCS allotment, i.e. Per diem of food and travel expenses until we arrive at our PCS, so Corpus. I was also told the best way to submit the DITY reimbursement paperwork was to wait until arriving at my PCS as well. I can't remember the logic there, maybe they're just trying to put off a bunch of paperwork.
Either way, I will look into this 120 day business. If I can get my orders changed to PCS then I think I will do that. Definately solves the move problem getting me paid for my DITY, I'll even change the topic of this post to "How I got burned on my DITY move and Airwarriors saved the day! Anyone disagree with this, maybe hold off on changing the orders to collect the per diem check at the end of the ride? I will probably be here an extra 3 months....
Whatdya think?
If anyone finds out about having your orders changed from TDY to PCS if you exceed 120 days LET US KNOW!
Okay. I'm gonna run this by yous guys and see if anyone can tell me it definitely won't work before I go into PSD and try it.
As I stated before, on January 5th I will have exceeded 180 days in Pensacola. Now, as I understand it, this means my orders cannot be TDY anymore.
Fellow El Cid grad -Here is what I was told last year when I was going through API last year. Because API itself is only 6 weeks long they base the TAD/PCS off how long the course is. BUT because of the wait, (Reported 1 Sept for A-pool, Classed up around 4 December, Checked out of API 26 January) they decided to do an order modification and change the accounting numbers so we were entitled to a PCS move. I'm trying to make this make sence...its sorta confusing, but pretty much since the class is only 6 weeks, they can in theory keep the orders TAD... Good luck, sorry if thats a confusing explaination, if you need any more help or have further question, let me know
Two guys get seriously injured every year doing that gay ass Air Force bullshiznit (the AF is why we do redneck parasailing). Go thank the next Zoomie you see for me.