Does your status as an "applicant" or "designated" work similarly on the Navy OCS side. I've been looking at the waiver guide as I have an issue that may be disqualifying at the "applicant" level but waiverable if "designated".Let's break it down to more digestible bits:
First, definitions. When you're at the point that you are now, you're an "applicant." You will be an applicant until right after you have your actual NAMI physical when you report to NIFE. After that, you'll be considered a "SNA" for medical purposes. And yes, even though you have done your NAMI physical, you'll still get another one. How in depth they go can really depend, but generally it's a "short-form" physical (vs a "long-form" physical, which you get every 5 years). Sometimes it might even be less than a short-form.
As an "applicant," you have different standards than as a SNA. You also have different standards for a winged pilot. Those standards on delineated in the NAMI Waiver Guide (it can be Googled or also found here on AW). If you don't meet one of those standards, you may either need a waiver or be DQ'ed. Again, that's spelled out in the waiver guide.
My understanding is that you are an applicant until you've completed the NAMI physical and been confirmed PQ. Only after that would the designated standards apply?