high school senior who got his acceptance letter with not as many scholarships as he would like, but hell. I've got an internship with Halliburton this summer making the minimum 3500/ mo. And if I do well; they should pay for every cent of my education if I choose to work for them after college.
My turn, how much you makin'?
P.S. Oh know, when I was a kid I preferred planes over dinosaurs. Weird... I never really liked dinosaurs. I'm glad to hear some people actually got to live out their childish dreams. It may be a huge case of autism going around. Autism speaks, so do I. Congrats, I applaud you!
Look, we all get it. You couldn't make it to flight school but could go to college. I'd call that second best. If you want to brag, post your W-2, paycheck stub. Otherwise, you're full of shit. I hope you don't think you're impressing us? We have guys here who went to school on scholarships or went to the Academy. However, they actually had the ability to go to flight school. Something you did not. That is why you are angry. That's why you are here. Sorry bud, you are wannabe and a never will be at the same time. That just has to suck for someone who couldn't achieve their goals. Must eat you up inside. Otherwise, you wouldn't be on this site trying to make us feel like you're someone special. We've got folks on this site who have experienced and achieved more taking a dump than you have in your lifetime. So your self-proclaimed achievements aren't doing you any favors. Just makes you an easy targert.
Regardless, back to the money thing. It's obvious anyone that brags is lying, that's for starters. However, no matter how much money one makes, you can never buy those wings. Buy that experience that comes with being a winged Naval Aviator. Money can't change the fact you are nothing but a wannabe. Nothing wrong with being in second place though, that is afterall, the first loser.
Remember this one:
I'm a junior in high school, and I've wanted to litterally be a pilot in the Navy since I could talk.
Thats gotta hurt. Didn't have you have some sort of retard syndrome? At least it appears that way. Good luck with your other career, your second choice