Dear Lord. That's over 2 years. I knew you were salty, but geez, how old are you?
Old enough to know better ...

Dear Lord. That's over 2 years. I knew you were salty, but geez, how old are you?
Old enough to be mando-retired :icon_smil
If only such a minimalist attitude of coasting on your qualifications could gaurantee you a single-seat aircraft.I'm sorry, sir. But I disagree. While I think it is VERY unprofessional to show up in shorts and flip flops, I had to ride my motorcycle (no car at the time) 2 hours south to get to my NRD. I wore jeans and a T-shirt, possibly a button-down shirt. My qualifications spoke for themselves. With a good GPA, good leadership record, STELLAR ASTB, my jeans and shirt were overlooked. Don't show up looking like an assclown, but I don't think a suit and tie or anything formal is necessary.
If you're qualified, you're qualified. Shit, the first time I went down, I still had my earrings and long hair.
At the risk of re--entering this never ending discussion (we've done it before on this forum) ......
Here's where I'm comin' from:
I'm NOT tryin' to get you guys to DO IT MY WAY. I'll never meet 99.99999% of you, so in the greater scheme of things -- what does it matter to me how you look for your recruiter interview ... ???
Well here's what: I've interviewed (and hired) new hire candidates at two major airlines during my career. I interviewed and hired new pilots (fixed and rotary) at a "high-end" Part 135 operation during one furlough. I know what it takes to make a "good impression" and stand out -- I know what it takes to set yourself above the rest of the bleating herd of "average". If you had ever seen a literal 4 foot stack of pilot applications sitting on the floor in Personnel (what they USED to call it ... ) you would understand.
It's a TOTAL PACKAGE. It's not any ONE thing; it's not just grades, test scores, recommendations, sports, do your socks match, etc., etc., on and on, ad infinitum .... it's the total package, the whole person. You want to be on your "A" game -- show them you are worthy of joining the profession and are someone who will bring credit to the organization.
The minimalist approach is for chumps and slackers. Don't go there -- it's never to your credit.
I'm just tryin' to get YOU GUYS to be better than the rest. Nothing of any life-threatening importance in it for me --- I don't win or lose on this one -- other than the fact I still care about who gets into "my" NAVY :icon_wink --- I'm just tryin' to get YOU to be the best you can be ...
Be better than the rest. That's all ...
If only such a minimalist attitude of coasting on your qualifications could gaurantee you a single-seat aircraft.
...that way, we'd only have to worry about you killing yourself, instead of an entire crew.
Next time I see you. I better see you in some UGA Gear!Well then I better put on my J.Crew garb, haha, cause I am going for 1) INTEL and 2) SWO. Thank you for the advice.
Next time I see you. I better see you in some UGA Gear!
Next time I see you. I better see you in some UGA Gear!
That would be GREAT! hell the delay in transit won't even hurt the chilly. on my cheeseburger! I don't think anything could hurt the gut booms. LOVE THOSE things!I'll ship you some food from the Varsity when I get back home to Atlanta.