You ain't getting the point at all. Instead of relying on third, fourth and fifth hand information that you get on the internet, the Army has tested the equipment and decided to stick with the Interceptor system, which has proven itself repeatedly in combat.
This sounds like typical bitching from some guys who think they know better than 'the man' and want to continually complain about it and prove their case to anyone who will listen (how do you think Gunny got that vest......let me guess, it came from the manufacturers of the Dragon Skin......) What the hell do you think the Army testing guys are doing? Do you honestly think they are not choosing the best system? That they are deliberately screwing over their fellow soldiers? Their comrades are fighting and wearing the armor they test, don't you think they would put the best out there? I have seen the effort that support folks back home put forth to make sure that the guys in the fight are equipped with the best equipment/intelligence/information available to them. It helps that many of those support people were in the fight themsleves. Why would that be different in this case?
Just because some whiny 'experts' want to bitch about how this particular armor is the best doesn't mean it is so. The military, and government at large, has screwed up plenty of times but this is one case where there is hardly any smoke....and no fire so far. So trust the experts and quit listening to a whiny bitch of a columnist who seems to have an axe to grind........