Huh? I disagree. I say: manage your time and work for GRADES. Unfortunately, college is primarily about grades. It makes sense in a way: the Prof "rewards" you for doing what he thinks is valuable. Obviously, don't compromise your values and just say what he wants, but fight for grades. Sometimes that means NOT going to class to either study for another one or simply because you can study better on your own. Don't skip a lot of class like in high school?? (don't know which one you went to), but make a common sense decision about what works.
I know this isn't PC advice, but it was how I did well in college.
On top of that, like was said, have a balance in your life. Your time in college isn't all about grades. Get involved in a club, sports, a religious group (lots of good collegiate Christian organizations), study abroad or travel, etc. Don't waste your time drinking, but do invest your time in meaningful experiences. Life is too short to waste 4+ years just in books.
Now if you go to the Academy, it's a different story...
Concurr. I went to about 70% of my classes but I studied my @ss off in my own time. I almost always turned in my homework and was always prepared for exams. If I started to get stressed out / fall behind, I would take the day and go to starbucks and sit down with my books and study/do problems until I got it. I didn't go to class those days, but I learned a lot.
Plus...2 or 3 times a semester I would not go to any classes and just take a day off. The beautiful thing about college is...this is ok. Unless you have a class where attendance is required you can manage your time however you see fit. In the end, no one cares as long as you get good grades.
Of course...I wouldn't skip any classes at all for the first 2 months or so, because you absolutely NEED to figure out how much of any one class you can miss and still keep up with the material. And, of course, it's something you do at your own risk. Sometimes the prof will put things on the exam that were only mentioned in the lecture, so definitely be careful.