From an email that went out across the Navy intel community this week; I just wish I could see all the submissions....:
Subject: INTEL qualification Pin
* It can't be ugly
* Must be horizontal...similar to SWO pin orientation
* Should reflect power and knowledge
We are going to wear this lets make it look great!
I am more saddened than anything. I think this a case of wanting to be like everyone else, and a bit of what MasterBates says about self-esteem.
I am disappointed at the spread of the warfare pins outside the core warfare areas for officers. When I see a SWO wearing a pin, I know he can drive and fight a ship. The same with a submariner. When I see wings I know that person can fly a plane, or at least navigate it

But when I see a supply officer with whatever pins he might have, what the heck does that tell me? That he got a PQS signed off? The same with a SOSUS pin, which is an abomination that no one but them seems to respect. To sit there and hand out pins to everyone just so they can have something shiny on their uniform is absurd. If they wanted that, they should have joinned the Air Force.
It is not that I don't respect their work, whether it be Intel, Crypto, SuppO and AMDO officers. But I don't see how a pin could help anything, but stroke a few egos. Have pride in your work and do a good job, people will respect you, there will be no value added by throwing a pin on your chest.
P.S. This is the second 'interesting' thing in the past month that I have seen this DNI attempting to do.