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I got it- a 4-year Naval ROTC scholarship!


VMI Cadet 4/c, MIDN 4/c
I was just notified tonight that i was awarded a 4-yr Naval ROTC scholarship!

I want to thank all of you who helped me and gave me guidance. One of my first posts on this forum was about how a female should prepare for an officer interviews for the NROTC 4-yr scholarship:

So many of you jumped right in and offered me a ton of advice on how to conduct myself in the interview and what to questions to prepare myself with, and as a result, I had a fabulous interview that blew away the LCDR that interviewed me and blew me away too, since until the moment of the interview, I felt for sure I might blow it! :D And now that great result has had it's own result.

Thank you all SO MUCH!!!

I want to give special thanks to those who immediately stepped up to give a worried highschooler their time and their advice.

Thank you MasterBates!
Thank you phrogpilot73!
Thank you Nose!
Thank you Hozer!
Thank you mike172!
Thank you NozeMan!
Thank you CommodoreMid!
Thank you schwarti!
Thank you FLYTPAY!
Thank you Uncle Fester!

I don't know if I should laugh or cry! :D


Pro-Rec Fighter Pilot
Thanks MIDNJAC! :D

BTW, If I get a girl pregnant, you'll see me appear in the news! (I'm a girl) ;)
That is a whole new thread. Thanks Oprah for bringing the carnie out of the 'parks.

Congrats on your scholarship! Here is some advice....look into other scholarship money to cover room and board! If you can graduate debtless, you will be one happy camper!


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
I want to give special thanks to those who immediately stepped up to give a worried highschooler their time and their advice.

Thank you MasterBates!
Thank you phrogpilot73!
Thank you Nose!
Thank you Hozer!
Thank you mike172!
Thank you NozeMan!
Thank you CommodoreMid!
Thank you schwarti!
Thank you FLYTPAY!
Thank you Uncle Fester!
I guess you haven't learned yet snif that it is risky to thank people by name for fear of snif snif leaving some one out and uh, you know, uh, hurting some ones feelings snif. Just say'in, you know...:cry_125:


If you gotta problem, yo, I'll be part of it.
I guess you haven't learned yet snif that it is risky to thank people by name for fear of snif snif leaving some one out and uh, you know, uh, hurting some ones feelings snif. Just say'in, you know...:cry_125:
She would've gotten to you eventually, but the band started playing and then they cut her mike.


VMI Cadet 4/c, MIDN 4/c
I guess you haven't learned yet snif that it is risky to thank people by name for fear of snif snif leaving some one out and uh, you know, uh, hurting some ones feelings snif. Just say'in, you know...:cry_125:

Oh I'm sorry wink! You definitely gave me advice too!!!! :D

I was just thanking those who advised me on the interview preparations!

My list of EVERYONE to thank on here is probably 10 times as long! :D


VMI Cadet 4/c, MIDN 4/c
I don't know which unit I'm assigned to. I guess I'll find out in the next few days. But VMI had been my first choice on my application. Whereever I'm assigned, I assume I can apply for a change if necessary, but I'm not too worried about that. All of my top 5 schools are great! :)


Active Member
You're more than welcome - I can't remember how I helped, but I'll take it anyway :D Best of luck to you and hopefully we'll both make it out there someday!


How do you fly a Clipper?
That's awesome DSL! Congrats, and I look forward to joining you in the fleet (hopefully it won't take me 4 years to get into/through OCS!).