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I got it- a 4-year Naval ROTC scholarship!


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
hahaha....you just gave a bunch of very bored ENS's a good laugh....thanks for that :D

Your SA (and attention to detail) needs to improve before you start flying.....

HER first post in the thread vvv

I was just notified tonight that i was awarded a 4-yr Naval ROTC scholarship!.....One of my first posts on this forum was about how a female should prepare for an officer interviews for the NROTC 4-yr scholarship:


Well-Known Member
Since no one else has said it yet... Congratulations - and don't fuck it up. I hope you find out/decide on your school soon. You're about to start four of the most memorable years of your life. Enjoy it.


VMI Cadet 4/c, MIDN 4/c
what school is it for?

well, they updated my status online today:
Selection Status
You have been selected for a 4-yr Navy Option scholarship.
You are assigned to the NROTC Unit at Virginia Military Institute.
Your assigned unit also includes the following crosstowns:
* Mary Baldwin College

i think i'll leave it as this while i check out each of my other 5 colleges to see if i might want to request a switch or just so that i can be absolutely certain about my choice. ;)


How do you fly a Clipper?
well, they updated my status online today:

i think i'll leave it as this while i check out each of my other 5 colleges to see if i might want to request a switch or just so that i can be absolutely certain about my choice. ;)

Smart girl. Again, congrats. :icon_mi_1


Congrats, and second what phrogpilot said. I cant tell you how many of my peers tossed their scholarship over booze or something else stupid. Meanwhile I had to bust my ass to pick up a three year scholarship. Good luck, and enjoy the time, it only gets harder


Hey intern, get me a Campari!
Congratulations! If it's what you want to do with your life - or at least part of it - you're hardpressed to find a better deal anywhere.