As I write this from my first class deadhead seat… A legacy, SWA, FedEx/UPS (referred to as the big six) are quite a bit different, especially when it comes to work rules. I was used and abused at my last gig, shit gate service, long sits waiting for the shuttle on a min rest overnight after a 4 leg day. My legacy is VERY different. Gates are usually open, 30 minutes after block in we’re in a cab if the shuttle doesn’t show, I get fed breakfast every day of the trip my flight is before whatever time. Long flights I get meals and snacks, first class deadheads and overall get to work with happy, helpful people both on the line and in the training department. I was having some problems landing on my new plane. Numerous people went out of their way to make sure I got extra touches in the sim and extra OE time to make sure I became consistently decent where I was having trouble and made sure I understood that I wasn’t in jeopardy while this was going on. My company has the equivalent of a squadron bar at the hotel across the road from out training center, where new hires get bought beer and regaled with stories by guys and girls on property for a while, on a very regular basis.
I live in base. At my regional I was used every day had 11 days off a month and flew 750 + hours my last 12 months. My current gig… I fly about 10-15% of what I used to because we‘re well staffed and I chose to bid reserve.
I’m sorry your specific company sucks, some of certainly have a reputation. It shouldn’t be too long before you’re out of there to a better gig as long as you put some effort into leaving, network and go to the job fairs. I’m still getting over the PTSD from my regional. When I got to my big six airline I felt like I was in an episode of black mirror because people were generally very happy where at my last gig we were all pretty burnt out and miserable.