i heard this from two doctors who:
1. who graduated from Carnegie Mellon, one of the tops in his class, with a dual ME/Pre-Med degree, who decided to get $ for the med school from the navy by going to OCS in RI, and now a Capt. in NNMC Bethesda... (made capt in like 17 years) and
2. who graduated from weslyn biochem degree, one of the tops in her class, about to get a PhD in biochem until some sex discrimination (some dudes that hated smart women) stopped her by not giving her the recommendations-she went to RI OCS and became a naval doc also (made cdr in 10 years, but had other things she had to do, so she left the navy.)
i told them that i was desperate to get into the usna, and they both said that ~20% or so actually stay long enough to become admirals in the navy. i mean, i heard from ppl that they main goal for going to the usna is to become admirals, but then again, i heard from a lot of ppl that they're just doing the service and getting out after five years...
anyway, them two folks told me that i should just stick to nrotc, b/c it's less stressful, and you practically learn the samething as academy kids, but that you had a life, unlike the usna.
stay with nrotc, i loved it. seeing those two doctors, i'm now thinking about becoming a naval diving-doctor... sounds so tempting... btw, where can i ask about the diving school, b/c i hear it's very hard...