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I need help!!!!!


New Member
I have wanted to be a pilot as long as I can remember and i will be attending Oklahoma State in the fall to major in Professional Pilot but I am not looking forward to the years of low pay at a regional airline and I have always wanted to be in the Air Force, Coast Guard or the Navy as a pilot. I have two cousins and an uncle who were Navy Pilots and they all say Navy but i think that they are pretty biased sa if any of you have an answer to one of these questions it would be greatly appereciated

Who do I have the best chance of getting into UPT with if i do ROTC?

Who gets the most flight hours?

Who has the best Quality of Life?

Which is better for a future Commericial Pilot Career?



Teaching MIDN how to drift a BB
Lots of run on sentences are bad because as a college student it is better to use proper grammar especially if one is seeking to become an officer in the Marines or Navy so remember this on your next posts and good luck to you with whatever it is you may choose to do.


Registered abUser
Haha, well as you can see if you join the Navy you are going to need some thick skin (I would say that for any service).. As my Dad said, "live one day at time, and plan realistic attainable goals for tomorrow and accomplish them". That being said you have a looooooong time before you need to make a decision. Do your research on all the different services. This forum is going to being Navy/Marine biased with a touch of Coastie influence. If I had to do it all over again my plan would be something like this

1) Attend college (with a Major in English :)
2) Drink as much as possible and enjoy having no real responsibility i.e. study hard and drink harder
3) Do OCS, albeit AF/Navy/Marine/Coastie (which you researched through college) with a GUARANTEED flight contract for pilot in writing
4) Consider duty locations/QOL/and aircraft in that order (my personal pref)
5) If you want the airlines, pretty much need a fixed-wing platform.

-Or you could do the way I did it-

1) Go to six colleges, because you were to burned out and drunk to pass the first five
2) Get lucky, focus and pick up a 2 yr ROTC contract
3) Desire Pilot, get in trouble, get sent SWO then at last minute pick up an NFO slot. (Thankful to be an Officer at this point)
4) Work your ass of in fleet for six years
5) Get an NFO to Pilot transfer and enjoy the training command
6) Be happy with an 0-4 retirement because your year group is quickly passing you by

..and did I mention to major in Engrish??

Good luck young man, and remember, life is hard but harder when your stupid


Pro-Rec Fighter Pilot
Who do I have the best chance of getting into UPT with if i do ROTC?
What do you want to fly? Navy/USMC, then Air Force.

Who gets the most flight hours?
Air Force, because they have some formula that makes an hour longer than an actual hour. You will get plenty anywhere you go.

Who has the best Quality of Life?
Air Force bases are better than Navy bases. Air Force also gets more money to spend on their people. Aircraft carrier life is not too bad though as an officer.

Which is better for a future Commericial Pilot Career?
If this is why you want to join....go somewhere else, we do not join to pump our logbooks for Southwest or Delta, its incidental and does nto matter what service as long as you flew fixed wing.

4) Work your ass of in fleet for six years
5) Get an NFO to Pilot transfer and enjoy the training command
6) Be happy with an 0-4 retirement because your year group is quickly passing you by
Speak for yourself :)


Registered abUser
C'mon, you KNOW you enjoy the training command. O-5 during FTS at 17 hey-ooh!!!


New Member
Thanks for your answers and sorry about the grammer I was in a rush and did not proof read before I posted it

war eagle

Registered User
i read this on here a year or so ago... it might apply here. i enjoyed it...
Bob Norris is a former Naval aviator who also did a 3 year exchange Tour flying the F-15 Eagle. He is now an accomplished author of entertaining books about US Naval Aviation including "Check Six" and "Fly-Off". Check out his web site .In response to a letter from an aspiring fighter pilot on which military academy to attend, Bob replied with the following.
12 Feb 04

Young Man,

Congratulations on your selection to both the Naval and Air Force Academies. Your goal of becoming a fighter pilot is impressive and a fine way to serve your country.
As you requested, I'd be happy to share some insight into which service would be the best choice. Each service has a distinctly different culture. You need to ask yourself "Which one am I more likely to thrive in?" USAF Snapshot: The USAF is exceptionally well organized and well run. Their training programs are terrific.
All pilots are groomed to meet high standards for knowledge and professionalism. Their aircraft are top-notch and extremely well maintained. Their facilities are excellent. Their enlisted personnel are the brightest and the best trained. The USAF is homogenous and macro. No matter where you go, you'll know what to expect,
what is expected of you, and you'll be given the training & tools you need to meet those expectations. You will never be put in a situation over your head. Over a 20-year career, you will be home for most important family events. Your Mom would want you to be an Air Force pilot...so would your wife. Your Dad would want your sister to marry one.

Navy Snapshot: Aviators are part of the Navy, but so are Black shoes (surface warfare) and bubble heads (submariners). Furthermore, the Navy is split into two distinctly different Fleets (West and East Coast). The Navy is heterogeneous and micro. Your squadron is your home; it may be great, average, or awful. A squadron can go from one extreme to the other before you know it. You will spend months preparing for cruise and months on cruise.

The quality of the aircraft varies directly with the availability of parts. Senior Navy enlisted are salt of the earth; you'll be proud if you earn their respect. Junior enlisted vary from terrific to the troubled kid the judge made join the service. You will be given the opportunity to lead these people during your career; you will be humbled and get your hands dirty. The quality of your training will vary and sometimes you will be over your head. You will miss many important family events. There will be long stretches of tedious duty aboard ship. You will fly in very bad weather and/or at night and you will be scared many times.

You will fly with legends in the Navy and they will kick your ass until you become a lethal force. And some days - when the scheduling Gods have smiled upon you - your jet will catapult into a glorious morning over a far-away sea and you will be drop-jawed that someone would pay you to do it.

The hottest girl in the bar wants to meet the Naval Aviator.

That bar is in Singapore

Bottom line, son, if you gotta ask...pack warm & good luck in Colorado


PS Air Force pilots wear scarves and iron their flight suits.


Milk and Honey
Damnit!!! You beat me to it with the Bob Norris post. I was looking for it in MY Documents and then i scrolled down and saw it was already here. Good stuff

johnny utah

still bigger than hip-hop
To answer your questions:

Probabally Navy Helos.
Air Force, unless you like drinking and seeing the world.
And if you really wanna be civilian pilot, then forget the military, build up some multi-hours, and fly for Fed-Ex. That's where the money is at least.
Though it's a lot of fun, Professional Pilot is an otherwise phony major.


It's gettin' a bit dramatic 'round here...
Super Moderator
Slow down, take a deep breath and take some time to rewrite your original post with correct grammar and punctuation.

You'll get better answers.
