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I need some help on becoming a naval officer

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New Member
Hello my names is James. I graduated from University of florida in august of 2006 and i have had one job working for a transportation company since then. I recently quit because the main reason i work is to save up for vacation, and i figured why not join the greatest military in the world and travel the world! Anyways i have been talking to my recruiter about becoming an officer and i have all the information necessary but i still have some questions. I am ready for the ASTB, but have not set up to take it yet, i have been studying for it for about 2 months now and am very confident in passing. I have been told that i need to get a 50 out of 67 questions right by one person, and someone else told me i had to get 50% right out of all the questions, which i feel is easily doable, so doies anyone know which one it is??? Another huge question, I need to get 3 character references. I cant use my job as a reference since when i quit my boss got angry cuz he felt i left him in the cold and he said " i hired u because i thought u were going to be an integral part of the team for years to come!" but this job was so stressful and the money wasnt worth it to me, everybody in that place was going bald and i dont think it was because of genetics. Everyday i would here whining from my drivers because of the escalating gas prices and they couldnt pay their mortgages and they couldnt buy their kids what they wanted and blah blah blah. IT was a job where i would have no control at times because the company would hire drivers weekly even though there wasnt enough work for them! There would always be 5 out of 30 of my drivers stuck in some god foresaken city over the weekend where they would not make any money and was not allowed to drive back home...unless they wanted to pay for the exorbitant gas themselves, which many could not afford. So i cant use my boss as a reference, and besides he quit a month after i did. anyways im rambling...so back to my question. I need 3 character references and i dont know who to get. It cant be my family and i dont know anybody from my college (teachers, adminastrators and such) who knew me well enough because the classes were huge, some with over 2000 people in it, and many of my classes were online so there was no face to face interaction. I have a 3.1 GPA out of UF and i had a 5.1 gpa in highschool. Can anyone help me by telling me whom they used or who i should try to get as a character reference??? They said i need someone in a leadership position, and most of my friends didnt go to college and is not in a leadership position. I dont go to church so i dont have a pastor, i dont volunteer for stuff so i dont have anyone like that for a reference. I think i have one good reference, which is my friends mother who is a lawyer and she knows me pretty well. But i am confused to what i should do for the other two references. So if anyone can help me with this it would be appreciated. Please share your experience during you application into OCS and how i can imporve my chances of getting accepted the first time in...i plan on applying for transportation and logistics, or as a safety manager.


VMI Cadet 4/c, MIDN 4/c
I think i have one good reference, which is my friends mother who is a lawyer and she knows me pretty well. But i am confused to what i should do for the other two references.

your old high school teachers or principal. if you had a 5.1 gpa in high school (how?!?!) that should be easy.


New Member
so your saying i can go find my old highschool principal (i dont know if he is still there) or old teachers and that would suffice?? I had a high gppa because of honor classes and AP classes added alot of extra credit to it....one girl in International baccalaureate program had a 7.1


Registered User
Did you work in college? Were you a member of any clubs in college? Do any volunteer stuff (even in the last few years)?

The Navy is looking for proactive people who get involved and seek leadership positions.


Crusty Shellback
2000 people in your classes? are those the classes at UF that I heard about where they fill 3 auditoriums and the instructor is in one of them and the other two see the instructor on a screen?

Uncle Fester

Robot Pimp
Super Moderator
...i have had one job working for a transportation company since then. I recently quit because the main reason i work is to save up for vacation...I cant use my job as a reference since when i quit my boss got angry cuz he felt i left him in the cold and he said " i hired u because i thought u were going to be an integral part of the team for years to come!" but this job was so stressful and the money wasnt worth it to me...Everyday i would here whining from my drivers because of the escalating gas prices and they couldnt pay their mortgages and they couldnt buy their kids what they wanted and blah blah blah...i dont volunteer for stuff...i plan on applying for transportation and logistics, or as a safety manager.

My man, you need to do a lot more looking into this Navy officer gig. It's pretty apparent you don't really have an understanding of what it'll require from you.

It's not a job you can approach casually. It requires a tremendous amount of your time, a shitload of work and willingness to sacrifice personal desire. Nor is it a job to take if you don't want a stressful work environment. And you don't want to listen to "whining" from the folks you're managing? Do you understand that one of the first jobs you'll have in the Navy is as a division officer? Where you'll be in charge of up to several dozen enlisted folks, some of whom will be very young, being worked very hard and under a lot of stress? Let us know the first time you get woken up at 4 am to drive down to Tijuana and pick up one of your superstars who decided to pick a fight with some Federales.

And last but not least, the Navy doesn't have "transportation and logistics" (the Supply Corps is kinda sorta about that, but not really) or "safety manager" officers (safety is a collateral duty that you'll pick up as you get some experience).


New Member
run on post? i didnt know i was writing a formal essay which i was being graded by u lol. I know what to expect in the military...My previous job had a turnover rate of like 50% the planner, the division manager and another manager quit a month after me getting there, then my boss quit a month after me, u dont know stress until u do that job. The company policy was messed up and only looked to make money for itself and not the drivers. I managed drivers who at times had no work and could make no money, there was no control, somone had to be left behind and being an empathetic person i couldnt deal with it. i am committed and i didnt ask for opinions on whether i can do it cause i can...i asked about the test and about character references. Jesus!...thanks to the first reply about asking my principal and teachers that was helpful, the other people need to go do something else other than leave lame replies that dont answer my question.

ohh look the navy has supply and warehousing managers "Most supply and warehousing managers work in officers, warehouses, material and handling facilities similar to wholesale and retail, there are significant opportunities for overseas assignments particularly in Europe and the pacific islands...as a supply manager you will buy, store, issue, and keep track of vast queantities and equipment" Transportation managers " run the trucking, air, rail, and sea tranbsportation system that moves military equipment...they work in a variety of navy bases in the u.s. and overseas...their deck may be a large landing craft or an air cargo terminal" i did my homework buddy, u think u know everything about it and your so tough because u may have already did it...but your opinions are worthless

ya my classes at UF were mostly online, especially the business classes because so many people decided to major in it. Those classes had its advantages and disadvantages. Someties i would watch like 20 classes in a day with 2x the speed lol to make it faster lol, but asking questions and stuff was out of the question, you would have to track down the teacher and stuff, bleh


Registered User
Cite your sources...I've NEVER heard of those job titles in the Navy, not sure where you're looking.

As for everything else, you're a joke- I'll leave it for some of the more senior guys to set your straight.


New Member
no i didnt work in college, i didnt need to since i had a full scholarship, no clubs either...i was about to join the Business club but it was pretty pathetic, they had to stand in front of walmart and try to sell pizza coupons lol...it wasnt professional. NO i dont volunteer for stuff... do you think having like 2 highschool AP teachers and a lawyer would be good enough for references...how important is the motivational statement? cuz i think mine is really good.

cite my sources? maybe you have never heard of ALOT of things. haha im a joke lol...u hurt my feelings

just because i didnt volunteer for things and join a club in college means im a joke lol. ok dude.


Well-Known Member
Seriously. Why did you come on here, posts like your instant-messaging your friends, TELL US about the Navy (when you don't know shit and are on here asking us about the Navy), and then cop attitude when we try to answer your post? Seriously, get your attitude right, because you already don't seem like a good fit for the military, and you are only 6 posts in.

Try again, only this time type in english and show a little more respect.

Now, on to your qualifications: Your GPA is decent. I would get that recommendation from your friend's mother and anyone else you have experience with or have worked for (past employers, especially at that oh-so-tough job you were at). Take the ASTB (at least OAR portion if you're not applying for aviation) and get the gouge on here before taking that to help you study. Good luck and ask SPECIFIC questions if you have them, not "what can I do to improve my chances" questions.

And lastly, I'm sure your job was challenging. But don't tell us how WE don't know stress and tough jobs when there are plenty of guys on here who have deployed to Iraq, Afghanistan and whatever other hellhole we send troops to. That's just plain disrespectful.


Active Member
u dont know stress until u do that job.

You're telling trained Navy and Marine Corps officers that they don't know what stress is? :eek: Not saying your job wasn't tough, but... damn.

Edit: I did actually try to answer the question, but you got yourself booted too fast.
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