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I saw the candidate shuffle

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Malice 1

I went to Washington Reagan airport yesterday, out of utter boredom. It was dismal and funny to watch all the hopeful young candidates jump headlong into disaster.

They would get off of thier planes looking grim and confident.
I was wearing a starwars tshirt and flipflops, so all the passing candidates looked down at me like I was slime.

I went downstairs and watched a few sergeants get ahold of them. THey suddenly lost all of thier enthusiasm, and lined up like ugly shaved rockettes. They would all quietly mutter "yes sergeant" and "aye sergeant" in unison. It was funny to watch.

I bet this section of the board gets alot quieter in the next few weeks.


Boiler Up!
I'm sorry that you had nothing better to do then to watch others in discomfort. It is a sign of poor leadership to watch, for your own pleasure, the struggles of others. What they are going through was not designed to amuse, but to teach and sort out those who are able to lead and those who are not. Apparently, sometimes, they let some slip through the cracks. I sincerly hope that this was nothing more than a brain fart on your behalf.


Well-Known Member
Scamahmrd said:
I'm sorry that you had nothing better to do then to watch others in discomfort. It is a sign of poor leadership to watch, for your own pleasure, the struggles of others. What they are going through was not designed to amuse, but to teach and sort out those who are able to lead and those who are not. Apparently, sometimes, they let some slip through the cracks. I sincerly hope that this was nothing more than a brain fart on your behalf.

So calling someone out like this, on a public forum, is a sign of good leadership?

If it were me, I would have corrected him via PM, and not attempted to publicly humiliate him on the forum. But hey, don't listen to me - I am the type of poor leader you like to call out on public forums. Why? Well, when I lived in Charleston, I would occasionally witness the DIs "meeting" Marine recruits at the airport, which was a MUCH bigger show than anything Reagan could offer. Heck, I even watched my sister get "greeted" at the airport on her way down to Parris Island.

Speaking of PI, I frequented the base for one reason or another during my stint in the Holy City. During my visits, I would always take a few minutes and watch the recruits being trained, and even chuckle a little at their discomfort. Why? Because I had been there, done that, and can look back at it now and laugh. They will soon be able to do the same thing. But hey, I'm a poor leader.

When I was stationed in Quantico (post-OCS), I was amused by seeing candidates buzzing around Brown Field like a bunch of bees. Again, I was looking back at my time at OCS, and even laughing a little.

I guess I am also a poor leader because I am calling you out on a public forum, in much the same way that you called Malice out. Does that make me a hypocrite? Perhaps. But I can't stand by idly while you attempt to publicly humiliate someone, especially when you have no clue how the Marine Corps selects its leaders. If you have such heartburn about Malice's leadership potential, take it up with the OCS CO - after all, he's the one who decided that Malice was fit to be a leader of Marines. Let him know how disappointed you are that he allowed one to "slip through the cracks."

When I first read the original post, the only thing that passed through my mind was, "Hey Malice - get a hobby!" And then I moved on.


Retired Harrier Dude
Super Moderator
its the same as how those of us who have been through TBS and flight school laugh at the complaints of those at the Suck or in API/Primary when they whine online ad nauseum.

on the other hand.... never have I been so bored that I went out looking for them. I second the "get a hobby" remark.

Matt S

Registered User
I think that's funny! Sorry. "Starwars t-shirt and flipflops", that's hilarious. I'll be going back for seniors in July and you can come laugh at me if you feel like it. It could be my last good laugh if I saw somebody in a Starwars shirt and flip flops. The only attitude I would have towards you is one of jealousy because your done.
I really don't dread going back though, it's only a month away and I feel both mentally and physically ready to take it on.
Juniors felt like an accomplishment on grad. day so I can only imagine how good it will feel to graduate this August.


I think I'd pay money to watch the sea bag drag at OCS, that was some funny shiz, even when I was the one doing the dragging. I think most people feel the same way, so I guess the Corps is full of poor leaders. :icon_smil


I thought that was the recline!
Scamahmrd said:
I'm sorry that you had nothing better to do then to watch others in discomfort. It is a sign of poor leadership to watch, for your own pleasure, the struggles of others. What they are going through was not designed to amuse, but to teach and sort out those who are able to lead and those who are not. Apparently, sometimes, they let some slip through the cracks. I sincerly hope that this was nothing more than a brain fart on your behalf.

Holy Crapola! I have no idea what they've done to you at NATC, but it musta completely sucked every last thread of humor out of your body!

Forget even KBay, it's a well-known fact that he's a poor leader *wince - bracing for the slap :D *

But you, in your ill-humored ignorance, are judging even Sgt Instructors and Platoon Commanders. After all, I've stood with them in the same setting (well, not at the airport) and had many a common quiet chuckle at the predicament of the candidates and absurdities they commit under pressure. Are you saying that these gilded specimens of both the enlisted and commisioned parties of our Corps are poor leaders merely because they find amusement in others' predicaments? Predicaments that, after all, they shared at one time or another, in some form or another (i.e. OCS or Recruit Training)? It's not called a Rite of Passage for nothing. Part of the rites of any passage is being observed, judged, and approved of by those that have gone before.

To paraphrase a saying that I ran across here in AW, something that I've now got committed to memory...in fact, generated by the very dastardly deficient KBayDog himself, if I'm not mistaken, "The brotherhood of the Marine Corps is a fellowship forged in commiseration."
This fellowship is what allows us to laugh to ourselves, for we are really laughing at ourselves.

Whew! Off the podium! Now, all that said, what kind of LOSER goes to the airport specifically to watch innocent unsuspecting candidates on their way to the slaughter? I'd understand if you were waiting to depart your own flight or something, but driving to, and parking at, an airport? An international?? Reagan no less??? :eek: That Star Wars T-shirt is well suited you, all due respect sir... :D


Well-Known Member
Mayday said:
Forget even KBay, it's a well-known fact that he's a poor leader *wince - bracing for the slap :D *

*SLAP!* I'm Rick James, b!tch!

generated by the very dastardly deficient KBayDog himself

I may be a poor leader, but at least I rate some absolutely atrocious alliteration!

Malice 1

Alright, let me vindicate myself a little bit:

I was riding the DC metro blue line home on sunday from downtown. I went to see some of the bikes at the rolling thunder show. My scrub like attire was well suited for a custon bike show. You don't wear a polo shirt and Khakis to shows like that. I am a fan of Jesse James and OCC bikes.

On the way back from the city, I stopped at the airport to meet a college buddy who was flying in for PLC juniors 1st increment. We were gonna have lunch together before he started training. He must have misread me his flight information, because he was nowhere to be found. While I was wandering around the airport looking for him, I heard an announcement for all candidates to meet OCS staff at baggage claim 12. My curiosity got the better of me and I went to check it out. It was good for a chuckle, and some memories.

As for being a bad leader...

Your damn right I am. I go to custom chopper shows, so I must be a bad person. I own two rebelious muscle cars, one of which is heavily modified. It is "barely" street legal, conisering it has a turbocharger that more than doubled it's power output. I am a dredge to society. No respectable USMC officer should be a Star wars fan.

Someone better call my OSO before he comissions me.


Registered User
Malice 1 said:
I own two rebelious muscle cars, one of which is heavily modified. It is "barely" street legal, conisering it has a turbocharger that more than doubled it's power output. I am a dredge to society.

So do you drive the Camaro or the Firebird when you are out cruising Kiss concerts for girls with b!tchin' perms?

Glad your not taking that goon seriously. If you can't find some humor in that initial entry training schtick, there's probably something wrong with you.

Malice 1

grunge said:
So do you drive the Camaro or the Firebird when you are out cruising Kiss concerts for girls with b!tchin' perms?

Glad your not taking that goon seriously. If you can't find some humor in that initial entry training schtick, there's probably something wrong with you.

In between metallica concerts, My mullet headed friends and I go to the drag strip to get high on the smell of tire smoke. I love the rich bold taste of michelin pilots.

I take no offense.

Now, everyone let this thread die before anymore brainless dribble pollutes the bandwith of an otherwise informative message board.


I guess this one is yet another one in the hands of Air Warrior Threads Closure and Board Alignment team! (AWTCBA)


CAS Czar
Super Moderator
Clux4 said:
I guess this one is yet another one in the hands of Air Warrior Threads Closure and Board Alignment team! (AWTCBA)

That was actually pretty funny, well done


Milk Is For Babies...I Drink Beer
Feel free to watch my monkey ass on Sun. I will de doing the freestyle candidate shuffle. (I hope I don't pull a muscle with all my freestyle walking). I will be wearing a pink polo with khaki shorts. :icon_smil

Well I gotta go...I only have 2 more nights at the strip club.
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Malice 1

Barnard1425 said:
I own two rebelious muscle cars, one of which is heavily modified. It is "barely" street legal, conisering it has a turbocharger that more than doubled it's power output.

So have you taken it off any sweet jumps?

Sorry, I just couldn't resist.


The answer to that question "should" be no.
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