Recent Gouge
FYI, I suggest getting an ID card prior to arriving at TBS. Yes, they have time setup in the schedule for those who need an ID, but from previous experience here at TBS, I say find any means possible in getting an ID. The Quantico Mainside DEERS system was down during in-processing so all the LTs who didn't have an ID had to drive themselves over to FT. Belvoir to obtain it. My OSO also told me to not worry and wait until TBS for my ID, but I simply wanted to get my ID so I went to a reserve center and got one. I am sure glad that I did.
Also, if you are under 26, get on Marinenet and take the driver's improvement course/test and print out the certificate(two copies: 1 for your TBS sticker and 1 for your DOD sticker) when you pass. Alot of LTs didn't have this done during in-processing and had a difficult time getting online because you're constantly switching rooms so there is no time to get the internet set up in your BOQ during the first week. Also, the TBS sticker was issued during in-processing, but the DOD sticker was not. I had to go to Mainside and get it done during the week as they are closed on the weekends. So if you come to Quantico a day or two early, go to Little Hall on Mainside (DEERS office) and get your DOD sticker. (You will need: License, registration, insurance, Driver's Improvement Course certificate, and a copy of orders)