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If you could go back in time...


FERS and TSP contributor!
That reminded me of my last deployment. Various functions would just get turned off for no reason. Everything aviation-related would break, as well. Flight deck lights would go out and we never had HAWKLINK the entire deployment (it was the ship, not us...big surprise). That's like not having a HUD in the Hornet. You can technically still fly, but all of the integration goes out the window and you basically just operate by yourself, hoping the ship would be able to find you if you ditched (spoiler alert, they won't).

Eventually the TACAN caught fire and completely died. I think at that point it became day time only, 20nm radius patrols. That ship was a clown show.
I guess you guys never learned to use this? This was part of the Table of Equipment for HC H-46's up through the mid 90's I think. Your very last self-paced academic lesson in the FRS as a CAT I was on using the MK 6A plotting board. Film strip and audio cassette. We universally blew off the lesson, got the gouge for the test problems and called it done.

The MK6 was in every aircraft - in the Nav bag that Ops maintained and kept updated - whether forward deployed or home guard.

But because having the MK6 technically meant we had an OTH "all weather" capability, we frequently did just that - with the fleet at EMCON with only "pigeons". 100 miles legs blue-water wasn't uncommon, with just barely enough gas to get back to Mother. UHF DF and other tricks helped. (A/A TACAN from other aircraft thanks to the updated AN/ARN-118(V) TACAN that we received as part of the SR&M update in the late 80's)


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Well-Known Member
Site Admin
My point was that both of these aircraft have a plotting board already. We call it a "radar."

I'd be grateful for a source.

Admittedly, it's tough to find stuff via an initial Google search. Surprisingly, this isn't bad for the B, although they gloss over the Hellfire capability. The Romeo section is EXTREMELY dated, though.

This is a mess to read, but actually gives a decent break down of the ASW side and the basics apply to both series.


Well-Known Member
Ensure you grab plenty of spontaneous and un-composed photos. The money ideas are all nice, but the "memories of the moment" will pay bigger dividends. There's a story behind every photo I retain. Houses, Cars, Bank Account and Wallet ... everyone has them.

View attachment 40708
My wife used to joke that she had to wring the testosterone out of my flight suits before she washed them.😂


FERS and TSP contributor!
My wife used to joke that she had to wring the testosterone out of my flight suits before she washed them.😂
The DEI Officer will be in touch to correct this.

Why are you not wearing your company mandated rainbow lanyard Captain? It's Pride Month! Get on it. 😜


is clara ship
Ensure you grab plenty of spontaneous and un-composed photos. The money ideas are all nice, but the "memories of the moment" will pay bigger dividends. There's a story behind every photo I retain. Houses, Cars, Bank Account and Wallet ... everyone has them.

View attachment 40708

As a much younger guy who once came from a squadron that also no longer exists (with A-7/light attack lineage as well), I wish I had taken more pics. Some smarter, better JO's than me, collected all our old artifacts and I believe they are at the Smithsonian or possibly the NASP museum now.