Completely disagree with this. If there's something you want to fly, tell them. That doesn't mean that you won't be happy in anything that has the star and bar on the side. There's nothing wrong with wanting to fly jets over another platform. Unless you want to fly E-2s, then people may question your sanity wanting that specific platform . . .
Yeah, but... I don't disagree that there's nothing wrong with having a preference or making it known. But there's a thin, eye-of-the-beholder line between that and, say, some cone telling his helo-guy IP that he (the student) is just too awesome and high-speed to fly helos, as has happened. Then see above re: STUCON and Ops knowing who you are. It's not like the IP's going to learn your preferences and then put in a word for you. "ENS Timmy is awesome, make sure he gets jets!" If anything it'll be the opposite. "ENS Timmy's a fucking idiot. If I see him in my squadron when I get back to the Fleet I'm going to come back and haunt you motherfuckers."
Besides, I think a student gets more out of having an IP talk about his/her community than monologing about what airplane the student has on his computer wallpaper. "I'm leaning toward tailhook, sir, but flying anything's good in the long run. You said you're P-8s, what's that like?" Then the IP spends his time jawing about why his community rocks (or is full of tools, whatever) rather than playing NATOPS trivia and the kid might learn something. Technique only, though.
Choosing VAW does make you pretty popular with your IGRAD class, though. Jumping on a grenade usually does.