IFS Day 16 at Manassas Aviation Center:
Arrive 0800 for 0800 flight
0800-0830 wait for instuctor
0830-0900 preflight
0900-1000 practice takeoffs, landings, and radio work in the pattern
1000-1015 debrief
1015-xxxx go to TBS and get passed around various offices in search of local travel claims form
Semper Fi,
Arrive 0800 for 0800 flight
0800-0830 wait for instuctor
0830-0900 preflight
0900-1000 practice takeoffs, landings, and radio work in the pattern
1000-1015 debrief
1015-xxxx go to TBS and get passed around various offices in search of local travel claims form
Semper Fi,