Yes, thank you to hummole and also to fc2spyguy who brought up the whole issue. I know I for one had never heard of the JFTR until reading this thread.
Rumor on the green side of the house is that the comand knows of the issue, but doesn't have the money for either transpo or reimbursement of mileage. I think this is a stock answer though as we're only halfway through the fiscal year. I think it is code for they don't want to take the money from somewhere else to pay for this-- which I can understand. But, the regulations are pretty clear, and it isn't a choice on their part.
One of the suggestions was to take a tax deduction, but that was a weak alternative as well. 19% isn't the same as 100%, and you have to itemize anyway.
For those that do IFS in Pensacola, do you get official orders written telling you to do IFS? I have been doing some of my own research, and it seems like it is very hard to prove anything admin-wise with "implied" orders sending you to IFS.