As a guy who came in with a small amount of civilian experience (commercial, IR, single engine, minimum hrs), I will say that there were plenty of guys with 0 hrs who did just as well or better than me in primary, and did better than I did in jets and the FRS. In fact, I may be one of only a couple guys in the JOPA in my squadron who had any prior experience flying before the Navy. It is just a completely different kind of flying. I think instrument experience gave me a small leg up in primary (which is not something that every PPL guy has), but after that, it didn't matter at all.
I'll disagree. But I'll save my energy in this thread.
No need to hold your tongue bro. My experience was only mine, and that isn't to say that there weren't others that were different. I wasn't the best guy that the jet VT's ever took a long time for my "lightbulb" to go off, and even as a SH, it was FWT before I really knew wtf I was doing. Most of that was just my personal struggle to unbox suck, but having prior experience had nothing to do with that process. If you are a natural then I don't think it much matters what you did before the Navy. For the rest of us, it takes work and studying, and trying harder than others, and that is maybe something you have as a civilian pilot and maybe something you don't.
BTW where you at right now? You have to be at least close to A/A right?
I remember thinking as a student that IFS wasn't worth a whole lot in the grand scheme of things, but maybe that's just because I don't see the cost/attrition stats.
Not calling myself a chuck Yeager or anything remotely like that. Just saying that prior experience NOT being helpful is an exception as far I see. I had a bunch of time and it made primary easier (I think the "navy way" doesn't kick in until advanced), but in tactical flying my SA level is as good/bad as any other student (mostly bad). That'll come with more time I hope.
IFS was worth it if the stats say money not spent in T-34 man hours, maintenance, fuel, etc. due to a student attriting outweighed the cost of sending all non-PPL holders through it. That's the reason PPL folks didn't go through IFS... They had already shown that they most likely were not the bottom of the barrel.
I'll just say that your voice in the trunk of a T-34 has never left me...........even during fleet CQ last summer, I had the kmac "be on altitude at the abeam +/- nothing" running through my brain......or even last week bouncing at Fentress in the build up to the TSTA that never was to be![]()
I'm gonna disagree with the general tone here. I've seen, on the whole, a pretty big difference in contact grades (granted, just by asking and peeking over shoulders) between people with PPLs and other prior time and those who just did IFS. I'm sure the gap would be bigger without IFS. That's a pretty sizable chunk of your NSS. Am I saying you can't get jet grades without a PPL? No, but your odds are a lot better than the guy without one. If anything IFS should be more robust.
Here's a hundred dollar question... Why the F*** do we still send us double anchor dudes through IFS? Absolutely pointless... Especially for us big bird riding FOs!
At one point there was talk of sending NFO's up through solo but no clue if that happened or not.