it is essentially 6 months of sitting on the beach, mix in a few hours a week of a stash job. .
As always, depends on your stash job. You could easily get a bad one or a good one.
it is essentially 6 months of sitting on the beach, mix in a few hours a week of a stash job. .
I did IFS down in Pensacola and if you want a more chill atmosphere then stay up in Quantico for IFS. Down here some of the schools take the screening part very serious and treat IFS like baby primary. My school in Mobile did this but I also thought it made me better because I was flying everyday vice once or twice a week. I waited all of 2 days to start IFS when I got down here and have already received a start date for API. The quicker you get down here the sooner you will have that API slot over the Quantico studs. It sucks having to do the studying and all that while over schools might be more relaxed but its your job to learn to fly and if it makes you better then why not go through it down in Pensacola. The upside to doing it down here is you can also work on your other pre-reqs for API while doing your IFS.
A Marine wants to make his life harder and pass up on a "good deal"..
Color me surprised! Not.