As of right now, for ground school:
- Stage 1, 2, and 3 exams pull directly from the gouge. They are computerized tests taken with your IFS classmates.
- End of Course (EOC) exam pulls 90%+ of questions directly from the Jeppesen test guide booklet issued.
- The FAA exam aligns very closely with a combination of the Jeppesen test guide questions and Sporty's practice exams. So if you crush the EOC, you shouldn't have much to worry about.
For flying:
- Become familiar with the maneuvers you will practice the next day by using the the procedures manual (I've attached an example given by my facility, but your facility should provide one).
- Study for the check ride oral exam a little bit every day using the study guide attached and information regarding your specific aircraft (should be given by your facility)
- Review maneuvers via chair flying a little everyday, referencing the procedures manual
- Pre-written exam should be given to you the day or two before you turn it in (like a take home exam)...
- HAVE FUN. IFS was a blast. Just put in the work necessary, show that you give a shit, and everything will work out. If my dumbass can do it, you definitely can.