By mandated schedule, are you referring to a syllabus? That is one of the requirements for schools to operate under Part 141. As for time allowed to practice maneuvers/skills, Part 141 doesn't place restrictions on how much time you have. In fact, just the opposite is true in that they allow you to progress faster and earn your certificates/ratings quicker (if you can). Now all this may have nothing to do with IFS other than the fact that the IFS program uses flight schools that have been approved to operate under Part 141. IFS may have a mandated schedule...don't know. I do know from the little research I have done that there is a time limit to finish the program...and this time limit is different depending on whether you are commissioned or not.ET-Mike said:...I have heard we need to use 141 and not 61 is because 141 uses a mandated schedule. 61 seems to be more of a do it on your own time type of deal where if you have problems with a certain are, i.e. stalls, then you can use more time to practice them than what 141 allows. I hope that helps.