maybe you should go to SailorBob for a while
Don't do that...We don't want him either. A douche is a douche.
maybe you should go to SailorBob for a while
Is that pic in his profile actually this D-bag?
Is that pic in his profile actually this D-bag?
It does say he's from New York. Maybe he made his post when drunk on jagahhhhbombs, while he was in the fuckin' zone!
If bashing me online will sastify you people, feel free to do so.
BTW Cinquain I expect every post from this point forward to utilize an increasing syllable count in the first four lines, namely two in the first, four in the second, six in the third, and eight in the fourth, before returning to two syllables on the last line.
@others - As a Mod, I can access his reputation comments and being out of action with the flu is no fun, but reading the now 32 comments gave me numerous opportunities to smile, if not choke with laughter. Thank you for your support!